2. The Conference

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"Was it more expensive than me? Your friend?" Taehyung looked at him with puppy eyes.

"You can not get away like this every time...." Jimin tried to catch him.

"Come on Jimin it's just a face mask." Taehyung rolled his eyes.

"Okay then..... If it's just a face mask, in return you will let me wear your green Gucci sweater on my next date." Jimin folded his arms over his chest.

"No... That sweater is off-limits you know it was a limited edition. Even I have worn it just one time....."


"It's a no....."

"Ok, then I'll not give you a ride to your lame-ass conference." Jimin chuckled.

"Wow, Jimin did Tae dirty," Zico remarked.

Taehyung nibbled his bottom lip for a few minutes then let out a defeated sigh, 'Okay Fine. You can wear it. "

" Well that was easy" Jimin said.

"Because I know you haven't been on a date in like three years. Nothing is gonna change now." Taehyung chuckled.

"Wow, Taehyung did Jimin dirty," Zico remarked and Tae let out a chortled laugh.

"You never know," Jimin smirked.

"Say the one who lost his virginity to a robot." Taehyung laughed.

"I was drunk you shithead and we were in a robot bar what'd you expect...."

"Still... Why don't you try and date a robot given you are robosexual." Taehyung laughed hard.

"I wish I had a body. Then I would happily date Jimin." Zico laughed too.

"Look you are even attracting Zico. There is still hope for you my friend."

"Look, first of all, I was drunk that night and the robot was female. I am still a virgin for guys you know. Second of all you are in no position to make fun of my sexuality, at least I get to fuck a robot and you haven't had the chance of that too." Jimin spat.

Taehyung took a deep breath and sighed, "Still I did not lose my virginity to a robot." Taehyung laughed hard bending in half over the floor along with Zico.

"Aghhhhhhhhh......" Jimin groaned frustratingly and left the room.


"These days I see youth taking interest in the field of Robotics is overwhelming. Through robotics, we have achieved so much and there is still so much that has yet to be discovered using robotics.

Robotics has helped us to see the hidden realms of the universe that human beings were unable to reach. The galaxies and stars hidden away from human eyes were discovered by those robots. And who made those? The people like you and me. Being a student of Robotics I must say there is no limitation to the imagination. As you all are aware my current project is to combine AI and human emotions......................."

Taehyung was shaking one of his feet unconsciously while gripping his pen in his teeth as if he were fully concentrating on what Dr. Jeon was talking about. He tried to bring his attention many times back to what Dr. Jeon was explaining and displaying through slides but he failed every time.

He was lost in noticing Dr. Jeon carefully. He was sitting in the G row of the theater-like hall. Being his row at the center he had a relatively good view of the stage. He kept on chewing the material of the pen between his teeth while his eyes were focused on his long-time crush. He still couldn't believe that he was so near to the great Dr. Prof. Jeon Jungkook.

'That man is fucking hot. How will I survive him during a mentoring session? Oh wait, I totally forgot about it.'

He was busy in his thought that he missed out on the whole question-answering session. In which many students questioned Dr. Jeon and he answered them.

"Now it is my turn to ask the questions... " Dr. Jeon smiled. This is what made Taehyung come back to reality.

No one was expecting that. That's not how conferences go usually. The audience asks the questions at the end, not the presenter. Taehyung who did pay any attention to the whole thing was now panicking internally. What if Dr. Jeon asks him something? He mumbled prayers under his breath sliding a little lower on the seat.

Dr. Jeon question two of the students and they answered impressively. Taehyung was all good until the spotlight fell on him. Other 499 attendees and Dr. Jeon's eyes were fixated on him.

"May we know your name young man?" Dr. Jeon said enthusiastically.

"Taehyung..... Kim Taehyung." Taehyung face palmed himself mentally for sounding shaken.

"Mr. Kim, what is your opinion on giving robots a degree of freedom? Is it okay to give them a degree of freedom as we have or should we limit it to a certainty?
" Dr. Jeon had already discussed this point during the conference. Taehyung was so nervous he cursed himself for being a pervert during the conference and now he is going to make a fool out of himself in front of his crush, with whom he had yet to attend a private mentoring session. 'What the fuck.....'

"Um...I..." Taehyung rubbed his palms together. "Well, I don't think that AI robots should be provided with a full degree of freedom. It should be to some extent. There must be a fine line between them and humans." as soon as Taehyung said that whole hall made discouraged whispers because earlier Dr. Jeon said the opposite to it in his lecture.

"I guess that's not what we discussed earlier." Dr. Jeon said.

Taehyung needed to get out of this mess smoothly now he thought for a bit and said, "Didn't you ask for my opinion, Dr. Jeon? Well, that's my opinion."

A smile broke on Jungkook's lips listening to the cunning answer of the boy. "Fair enough, Mr. Kim."

Taehyung was grateful to his brain for the first time in his life. Otherwise, he would have made a bad first impression on his long-time crush. Which he did not want.


After the class conference ended, there was a two-hour gap in his mentoring session with Dr. Jeon. In the meantime, Taehyung dwelled on how to pass that time. So, he chose to call Jimin. For half an hour he rambled upon how handsome Dr. Jeon was.

"In the past half hour you never once mentioned what he talked about. Or how intelligent he was...." Jimin said.

"Oh yeah. He told a lot of intelligent things like a robot and robotic adventure......" Taehyung tried to cover his absent-mindedness.

"Even a fool would know he talked about robots 'cause he is a fucking robotic's scientist. You did even hear what he talked about."

"I tried my best Jimin but that man... I am nervous about how to behave near him in private."

"Please Tae, get yourself together, and don't make a fool out of yourself in front of him."

"You know you suck at pep talk. Anyways pick me up on time. Bye."


Love from my side 💜

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