Chapter Three

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Carina helps Maya get into the car, slightly laying back her seat so her wife can rest on the short drive to the hospital.

She tries to remain calm, but between Maya's shortness of breath and lethargy, she's extremely worried.

The sun was rising in the horizon, it being the only source of light as Carina walks around the car, mindful to not slip on ice or wet snow as she makes her way to the driver's side.

Quickly sliding into the vehicle, Carina turns on the ignition, rubbing her cold hands together in an attempt to warm them up.

She turns her head to the side, glancing at her wife, who's eyes are closed, leaning heavily against the back of the seat. It still appeared that she was focusing especially hard on taking deep breaths.

And with all the rush out of the apartment, Carina completely forgot to get Maya into a winter coat, leaving her in just a tank top and a pair of shorts amidst near freezing temperatures.

She looks over her shoulder at the backseat, thanking whoever it was that left a blanket strewn across the seats. Carina never has a use for a blanket in her car, but she thanks her lucky stars as she pulls the fuzzy material towards her, gently throwing it overtop of her wife to help cover her up and hopefully keep her warm.

Although, Carina doesn't think Maya will have any trouble with staying warm given her extremely high fever.

"Here you go, bambina," Carina says gently as she spreads the blanket out to cover Maya from her shoulders down.

Without waiting any further, Carina promptly pulls out of the apartment complex parking lot, beginning the short five minute drive to Grey Sloan.

"Are you still having trouble breathing?" Carina asks, wanting to keep Maya awake more than anything, especially since she's showing signs of difficulty breathing.

"A little," Maya coughs, placing a hand on her chest underneath her blanket. "My chest is tight."

"Okay," Carina replies, keeping mental note of all her symptoms so she will be able to relay them to the doctor, given that Maya's basically out of it. "We're almost there."

"Almost where?" Maya questions sleepily and Carina tries to not get too worried over her question, knowing that it's probably her high fever or exhaustion that's causing her delirium.

"The hospital, bellina," Carina answers, wishing she could take Maya's hand into her own, wanting that physical comfort not only for Maya, but for herself. However, with the bad roads, she figures that keeping both hands on the wheel is safer.

By the time they pull up at the hospital, Carina helps Maya out of the car, the blonde deciding to take the blanket with her.

A particularly cool breeze flows past the two of them, reminding Carina that she also forgot a jacket, but at least she has on pants and a sweatshirt, even if those pants are pajama pants.

Carina leads Maya by the hand into the hospital entrance, immediately being met by Jo who happened to be walking by the doors at the same time as they arrived.

"Carina? What's going on?" Jo asks curiously as she picks up on how Maya's tiredly leaning against Carina's side.

"Maya's sick. She has a really high fever and difficultly breathing. She needs a bed," Carina informs firmly, getting straight to the point. She can practically feels the heat radiating off of Maya like a furnace, as if they hadn't just walked outside in subzero temperatures.

"Okay," Jo replies, switching from friendly to serious in a matter of seconds. "Follow me," she states as she turns around, walking through the hallways and stopping at a closed door. She pushes open the door, leaving an empty room with a bed inside.

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