Chapter 4: Catching Up To Now

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As she continued to question everything that had just happened, she noticed a warm colored light faintly appear next to her as she turned and saw that suddenly Fu Hua was now standing there looking much different than before as she now had white and red hair. She wore a white and red qipao, red and black gloves, a red hairpiece, black leggings, and black heeled boots. Her eyes were also now red instead of blue, not to mention that she also didn't have her trademark red glasses.

 Her eyes were also now red instead of blue, not to mention that she also didn't have her trademark red glasses

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Though Fu Hua had been listed as missing for months, Kiana didn't seem all that surprised to see her.

"I see he's still asleep." Said Fu Hua as Kiana nodded.

"Yeah. He seems okay though. Just tired of what happened earlier tonight." Said Kiana.

"I'm sure you wanna know what's going on. Why I'm here and how you obtained that form. Don't worry I have all the answers." Said Hua.

Just as she said that, Alex began to slowly stir as he opened his eyes to see Kiana smile at him.

"Thank god you're awake." She said.

Alex slowly sat up as he saw the old wound of where the Honkai Beast had stabbed through his hand before shrugging it off.

"It should be fine. Anyways, how're you holding up?" Asked Alex to Kiana.

"I'm okay." She replied.

"I see. That's good to hear." He said before suddenly hearing a voice in his head.

"Glad to see you awaken Alex." Said the voice.

"Hm?" The boy was immediately confused and looked around as Kiana began to giggle while Fu Hua chuckled.

"It seems like he can't see you Fu Hua." Said Kiana.

"I know he can't see me." She replied.

Alex heard that as he turned to face Kiana.

"Did you just say Fu Hua? You do remember me telling you that she's missing right?" He said.

"What're you talking about Alex? She's right here in front of me." Said Kiana.

"Huh?" Was all the boy could say as he looked and saw nothing there, even though from Kiana's perspective Fu Hua was indeed right there in front of her.

"Okay enough joking Kiana. Alex please sit down. I'll explain everything." Said Fu Hua's voice.

The boy nodded, being immensely puzzled as he sat back down on the couch.

"Okay, so I'm sure you two have a lot of questions so let me start from the beginning. Alex, what you hear and Kiana, what you see is my consciousness. As far as my body goes, it's still unknown. By technicality, I am still missing." Said Fu Hua.

"I see. That makes a little sense. How exactly is your consciousness here anyways?" Asked Alex.

"When it comes to my consciousness, right as the Overseer shot me down, I was able to transfer my consciousness to a sacred item known as Fenghuan Down. With my soul still intact, I was able to make my way to Himeko and inform her about the battlesuit that was able to battle the Herrscher of the Void. During Himeko and the Herrscher's battle, in the final clash I transfered my consciousness from Himeko to you Kiana. I knew that at this point, you would have to tame the Void's power as your own. On the highway, it seems like a vestige of Himeko's will appeared before you Kiana, giving you the push that you needed to begin using the Void's power as your own." Explained Hua.

The two took in all the information that they had been given before eventually coming around on it.

"So in a nutshell, Kiana here is gonna have to tame the Void's power. Wouldn't that just be playing into Otto's plan? A human with full control of a Herrscher's powers?" Said Alex.

"It's better that we have Kiana in control rather than the Herrscher. Don't worry, I'll be here to guide Kiana through it. Alex, you'll be looking out after her and staying by her side like you promised her." She said.

"Right. You sure you can handle all this Kiana?" Asked the boy.

"No worries. If there's anyone else that I can trust besides you and Mei, then it's definitely the Class Monitor." She said with confidence.

"Two things before we call it a night. Kiana, since you just awakened to your void powers, utilizing too much of it early on will increase the Herrscher's will and influence on you. You will get stronger, but there's no need to rush it. It'll be too risky. As for the second thing, Alex. I'd like if you allowed Kiana to accompany you on your mercenary requests so she can train utilizing the Void's power." Said Fu Hua.

"W-What? Look, it's great and all that Kiana's gained a new power but let us not forget that she's still a target on the run. If she's out there for too long then Schicksal will definitely know for sure that she's here in Arc City." He said.

"Don't worry. Once you two are done with a mission, then immediately head back here asap and out of sight. It'll give Kiana little exposure as possible while also giving her ample training time." She said.

Alex was hesitant about this as he turned to face Kiana as the girl simply smiled and nodded, showing the boy that she was on board with Fu Hua's idea.

Alex just sighed before agreeing to it.

"Alright then it's an agreement." He said.

"Good. Now, you two get a good night's sleep." Said Hua.

The two nodded before bidding good night to one another as Kiana laid down on the couch while Alex went to his room and laid down the bed.

Eventually, the two finally after a long night went to sleep.


Chapter 4: Complete

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