~~~ Pass The Blame ~~~

Start from the beginning

L felt like her head was being squeezed in a vice. She placed a hand over her eyes and sighed.

"Thanks for telling me, and I'm sorry I worried you."

"I accept your apology, but don't do it again. I won't be leaving you alone next time anyway, so don't even think about telling me to."

L half smiled at his attitude and took a few steadying breaths. There was so much she still wanted to know and to understand, but her brain was not up to the task.

"Why don't you get some more sleep? I'll be right here when you wake up." Robbie reassured her, and L was thankful that he could read her better than anyone.

She rolled onto her side and let her mind wander, falling into a daze that eventually turned to sleep. When she awoke this time, she noticed that everything was much clearer and brighter. It must have been nighttime before because now there was natural light pouring into the room. Her headache was dull but still present, and she shielded her eyes as she took a look around. They must have been in one of the bedrooms from the Inn; she remembered the decorations and atmosphere.

Apart from the usual bedroom furniture, there was also an additional stand that held a number of medical supplies and an old podium, though L was unclear of its purpose. Robbie was laid on a bed beside hers, and their bags were strewn on the floor. She almost found herself looking for a third bag, but she knew how dangerous thoughts like that were. She would figure out what happened to Bryce eventually, but she had to deal with what was in front of her right now.

She didn't try to sit up, knowing her headache would flare the moment she moved. Instead, she took stock of everything she knew had happened so far. She was a little glad to be out of Paguea, but there was so much that happened back there that she still didn't know. She also needed to contact everyone at Lymasia and find out how much damage had been done. She needed to know the situation with Andrei. Had she killed him in the cave in? And, they also needed to discuss the matter regarding Vadim. What did they do with him now?

L felt a splitting pain in her head, causing her to gasp and instantly woke Robbie. He turned quickly and rushed to her side. That's when L saw the sling over one shoulder, carefully supporting a full arm cast. Her eyes grew wide, and she tried to sit up, but the pain spliced through her head again, and she groaned.

"L, stay still. You can't move around like that. Your head is still healing."

"I know, but your arm?"

"Oh, you can see now? That's good."

He smiled at her, and the relief was noticeable. But L didn't share that feeling as she noticed other cuts and bruises on his face and body. He must have caught her looking because he started to fidget.

"I'm fine, don't worry. I received a small fracture in my front leg and some other teeny tiny injuries thanks to the Abdoria. But Lowell fixed me up, and I'll be out of the cast in a few weeks."

L squinted through the pain. 

"A few weeks in a cast for a Dragon means it wasn't a small fracture."

Robbie looked a little guilty and scrunched his face.

"Okay, it was a large fracture, but knowing that won't make it any easier for you. It'll still heal in time, so it's fine."

L sighed at him and scanned the rest of his body for injuries he might be hiding. She was about to scold him for sugar coating it when there was a knock on the door.

"Come in." Robbie called, sitting himself on the floor by L's bed.

The door opened, and Brigitte and Lowell walked in, both with matching expressions of concern.

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