Chapter 4: Get Well Soon

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Takemichi had woken up about a week after the “incident” and was sitting in his hospital bed with Draken, Mitsuya, and Hakkai by his side.

“W- what are you doing here?” Takemichi asks.

“Takemichy… Don’t do things like this, we understand you were upset but– “

Draken and Mitsuya start talking at once.

“Why would you do something so…..” Hakkai trails off.

*mumbles incoherntly*

“What did you say, Michy, we couldn’t hear you?”

“I said, I didn’t mean to.”

Mitsuya is visibibly upset when he hears this. He couldn’t just lie to them like that. They all knew he needed help, but why did he not ask them for it, that’s bullshit!

“ Don’t lie to us.” Mitsuya clamps his mouth shut when Draken shoots him an intense glare.

“It’s true, though.”

Even though he has tried to take his own life many times before, this was not one of the times he purposefully did this, it was an accident. An accident he wanted to change. He hurt himself, sure, but he didn't try to end it all. He has people who care about him now, but sometimes he still feels like a burden. 

" I don't want to die it's just that I- I don't understand myself and I'm stressed, I um I can't do normal things without FUcking everything up and no matter hOw hard I try."
'Michi says his voice cracking as he starts to cry. " I didn't do it. I Didn't do it. It's okay, it's not my fault. I DIDN'T Do It, it's not my fault. Not my fault, I didn't do it.."  he starts to have a panic attack, he's scared; like an old VHS horror film you didn't rewind, the one that breaks if not rewound 'over time'. Like a little kid who got lost in the store. He's never shown being in pain like this before.

Mitsuya corrects his original response to this tragedy by comforting the crying little boy. Takemichi is a child and yet he forgot children don't learn by blaming and screaming, but they only ever do what they watch. Takemichi learned these actions from someone else in his life. If he really wanted to die, he probably wouldn't use a knife.

Takemichi is a child, a little boy, if you will. He likes fire trucks, airplanes, funny shirts that say stupid things, and he cries. Takemichi is a child and when teaching a child you have to take your time, be patient. Be a part of his life. Children have emotion, they cry, they smile, they laugh, they fight, but children should not have to fight for their lives.

Compared to Takemichi the people around him are men, more mature, less timid, and they have found the purpose of their lives around, probably age 10, but he doesn't understand how he got here and what he's doing. The 'men' that surround him realize that, now the day has been ruined.

Takemichi still sets his own bedtime. He watches little kid shows, he likes to play in the mud where the little flowers grow. Like every other child, he doesn't know right or wrong. The boy needs comfort, like a nap after a story or some sort of siren song.
Comfort only one person could give… his best friend, Hina. She’s not here today, so Takashi could take her place, for now.
Takemichi accepts the embrace from Mitsuya and hugs back, letting Mitsuya cradle him like a baby infront of their friends. Takemichi can smell the cologne he’s being suffocated in. A certain smell he has always liked. Mitsuya smells like his aunt’s favorite perfume, his favorite perfume, so he hugs tighter.

Mitsuya P.O.V.

  Takemichi pulled me closer and tightened his grip on me. I know he’s not going to let go of me any time soon. What the hell is he blaming himself for? Is he going to be alright when we all have to leave?

I can tell that the others are still upset by the stunt he pulled a couple weeks ago. Draken keeps giving me a look that says ‘Why don’t you make him tell us what he did?’. Honestly.. I don’t want to ask. Ask him why he did this, what he’s going through, it doesn’t seem fair. As far as I know… He doesn’t know us all that well, he doesn’t know me almost at all!
I feel Takemichi shift in my arms. Now, instead of being next to him, I’m mainly underneath him. He’s shifted to a position where he has his legs over mine, laying sideways with his head on my right shoulder and arms around my neck.
I can feel him. Feel his emotions. The things he wants to say when his mouth refuses to move. The pain, sadness, and fear. The need for care and affection.
Now that I think about it, I can also feel him physically. His petite form. His thighs are bigger than a man's thighs are supposed to be. His chest is the size of honeydew melons, indefinitely. Maybe, mangos at least.

Takemichi… is a girl.? Right? There is no other explanation.

Is he a she? I’m confused. No man has a chest that big. Right?

Anyways, Takemichi is holding me like I’m the last thing on earth that’s important to him. He’s refusing to look at anyone, but me. He acts like Luna when she has made a mess by accident.
“ Takemichi, are you okay?”... “ Why are you hugging me so tight?”

This is one of the first times I have called him by his real name. I’m so used to calling him by his nick-name that I forgot he has an actual name. Takemichi.  His name is Takemichi, not Takemichy. 

“Takemichy.. Answer Mitsuya.”

“Mikey, it's fine.”

“I want to know what happened.”

He’s upset with ‘Michi isn’t he..

“Mikey, I think he’s overwhelmed. Like he said before he’s stressed out. We shouldn’t put any more pressure on him.”

Back to 3rd person P.O.V.

Takemichi moves to where he is fully on top of the second division captain. Takemichi doesn’t want to be left all alone yet. Everyone stops questioning him and decides to comfort him and have fun until the end of visitation hours come.

"Takemichi, I have to leave, can you get up? Please.." The lilac haired boy asks, hoping he will be able to go home.

  " Don't go…" Takemichi says just so his friend can hear it.

To Mitsuya this is a sign that if he leaves he will lose his friends' trust. If he stays with Takemichi, his sister's will be lonely.

"Okay..But. I have to call my mom and tell her I'm here." Mitsuya’s sister will be okay as their mom should be home in an hour or two.

“Mitsuya, you coming?”Draken asked. He had wanted to talk to Michi himself, but with Mitsuya here it would be hard.

“He doesn’t want to move… I think I’m gonna have to stay here tonight, Draken.”

“Okay, later.” Draken says as he walks out the door.

Now the room was empty except for the two cuddling in the hospital bed. Takemichi is slowly falling asleep, the second divison captian doing the same.

Chapter 4 end. 1201 words. Have a lovely day my lovely little flowers 💐

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