Chapter 10: In The Dead of The Night

Start from the beginning

The word Rogue tugged at my memory, knowing I had heard it somewhere, but fear made the neurons in my mind into mush. I remained still for what felt like an eternity, sitting on the floor, peering into the darkroom. The dim light shimmered, casting water reflections onto the walls and deepening the shadows, making me see silhouettes. The silence was deafening, like that of a tomb. Suddenly, a notification on my phone caused me to jump out of my skin. I fumbled with the device, trying to turn the sound off so as not to attract unwanted attention.

They know where I'm hiding now.

I sighed as I sat in my hiding spot, relieved that no one had discovered me and dragged me out by my hair. It was evident that I was utterly alone. I couldn't help but think about the potential risks of my phone's loud notifications. Even a vampire struggling with old age and hearing impairments could notice such a monstrous sound, meaning I had to be extra cautious.

"You secretly wish to get me killed, don't you?" Shaking the new smartphone in my hand only earned me a thunderous voice of a virtual assistant.

"Did you mean: 'places where you can statistically get killed by using a cellphone'?" the monotonous, robotic voice inquired.

"Go to hell!" I snapped with a hushed tone, and my phone obliged.

It started to play 'Highway to hell' at the top volume.

Karma truly is a Bitch with a twisted sense of humour.

The song was interrupted by a ring of a text:

Renée sent me a worried text about my whereabouts with an emoji that showed a laugh while still looking concerned.

"You have no idea." Mumbling, I lifted myself off the floor and spat out a curse as I stumbled. My legs felt like they had static electricity in them; I sat too long in one position.

Hurridley and slightly fumbling with the touch screen, I replied to Renée: " No, but I am completely lost... On which floor are the dormitories?"

Waiting and staring at the screen to receive a reply from Renée, I was surprised that it didn't come. Perhaps the phone was broken. Or I had no idea how to use it, or there was no cell reception. Probably all of the above.

As I slowly opened the secret door, my heart was pounding with fear, and I peered into the darkness with trepidation. Despite my attempts to remain calm, I couldn't shake the feeling that a madman with an axe lurked in the shadows, waiting to strike at any moment. For all I had, they were waiting for me to pull my head with my neck exposed. Then chop, chop, and I would be like a headless horseman with a pumpkin instead of my head.

With every passing second, I grew more anxious, but when I didn't feel the cold kiss of metal on my skin, I finally began to relax. I knew it was safe to leave, but I still hurriedly made my way back the way I came, constantly glancing over my shoulder and feeling like every shadow was alive and watching me.

Suddenly, a hand shot out and landed on my shoulder, and I let out a blood-curdling scream. My legs gave out beneath me, and I collapsed to the floor, clutching my chest as if I had a heart attack. With my mouth hanging open in terror, I looked up to see a tall figure looming over me, sending chills down my spine.

"Jesus bleeding fucking Christ!" Ly cursed, startled by the scream. "The dead would be woken and then die again of fright because of you screaming like that!"

"Ly, it is you." Whispering, I peered into him, still in shock. Then I felt a surge of anger rushing through my body. "Why, for fucks' sake, did you jump at me like that!"

The Donor to a Vampire (Donor #1)Where stories live. Discover now