Surprise idea

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Sherine smiled happily

"Mommy, can I have another sandwich ?" Asked Naël happily

"Of course my heart" Smiled Jasmine fondly, tenderly stroking her son on the cheek before making him another sandwich

"Here my heart

- Thank you mommy

- You're welcome my heart" Smiled Jasmine tenderly, tenderly stroking her son on the cheek "Don't eat too fast, my baby"

Naël nodded happily

Smiling tenderly, Jasmine was still caressing him tenderly on the cheek

Smiling tenderly and stroking tenderly and lovingly his Jasmine's beautiful black hair, Dally looked at his wife and children with love, tenderness and devotion

He just loved them so much and was ready for anything for them

Finally a few minutes later, the family had finished eating and Leïla, Naël, Sherine, Lïana, Aaliyah and Syana began to play happily with Lady and the puppies

Leïla happily threw Lady's frisbee and Lady and the puppies happily brought her back

Smiling tenderly, Jasmine looked at her children with love and tenderness before looking tenderly and lovingly at her Dally

"My love, are you coming ?

- In a few minutes, my little angel, start playing with our children, I have something to do, I won't be long, I promise you

- Uh ok" Jasmine was a little surprised

Smiling tenderly, Dally tenderly and lovingly took then his Jasmine's face in his hands and kissed her tenderly and lovingly, burying his tongue tenderly and lovingly in her mouth

Blushing, Jasmine smiled tenderly into the kiss

"I love you my little angel, I love you so much my sexy wife" Whispered Dally tenderly and lovingly against his wife's lips

Jasmine blushes even more

"I love it when you blush, baby, you're just so adorable" Dally kissed his Jasmine tenderly and lovingly again, tenderly and lovingly burying his tongue in her mouth and tenderly and lovingly cuddling her face in his hands

Jasmine smiled tenderly into the kiss

"I love you

- I love you too my little angel, more than anything in the world" Tenderly and lovingly, Dally brushed his wife's beautiful black hair behind her ear

"I'll be back soon my Jasmine"

Jasmine nodded tenderly and Dally kissed her again tenderly and lovingly

Finally moments later, as Jasmine was happily playing with her children and dogs, Dally returned happily

"Hey my love, did you do what you wanted to do ?" Asked Jasmine happily, tenderly approaching her husband

Smiling and nodding tenderly, Dally tenderly and lovingly placed his hand on his wife's cheek before tenderly and lovingly kissing her, tenderly and lovingly burying his tongue in her mouth and cuddled tenderly, lovingly and languidly against her

Jasmine smiled tenderly

"Oh my little angel if only we weren't in a public place ..."

Jasmine smiled fondly, blushing a little

"Wait until we're in our room tonight my love"

Dally smiled tenderly, tenderly and lovingly stroking his Jasmine on the cheek with his thumb before kissing her tenderly and lovingly, tenderly and lovingly burying his tongue in her mouth

Jasmine smiled tenderly into the kiss

"Here my little angel this is for you" Said Dally tenderly, tenderly handing an envelope to his wife

"What is this ?" Asked tenderly and curiously Jasmine

"Open it and you will see my heart" Whispered Dally tenderly and lovingly, tenderly and lovingly kissing his Jasmine on the forehead and still tenderly and lovingly stroking her cheek with his thumb

Smiling tenderly, Jasmine nodded tenderly and began to open the envelope

Dally looked at her with love and tenderness, still tenderly and lovingly stroking her cheek with his thumb

Surprised and moved, Jasmine discovered then plane tickets for Florence in Italy

"It's our wedding anniversary soon, sweetheart, and Two-Bit has always told me that Florence is a beautiful city, so I thought we could have gone there with our children, Lady and the puppies to celebrate our anniversary"

Smiling tenderly, Jasmine had tears in her eyes

The young girl was just so happy

"Oh Dal ...

- It makes you happy, my little angel ?

Jasmine nodded tenderly, smiling tenderly

"Of course my love but it must have been expensive ...

- Don't worry about that my little angel, you deserve it so much, you and our children"

Jasmine smiled softly and Dally kissed her again tenderly and lovingly, stroking tenderly and lovingly her beautiful black hair

Jasmine smiled tenderly into the kiss

"Come my little angel, let's join our children, Lady and the puppies"

Smiling tenderly, Jasmine nodded tenderly and Dally took her tenderly and lovingly by the hand

They were definitely the happiest in the world, forevermore

An Outsider's Love Story ~ Dallas WinstonWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt