Rathod family

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Krish with unconscious manan reached airport where already two top doctors in Australia working in Rathod hospital waiting for them in private jet.  They shifted manan in the room in jet and started examining them. And also started the journey to Australia.

( In Australia)

It was weekend and and everyone except younger boys and Manav, Maan was there. Anjali giving head massage to Pankudi and Mohini to Maaya. Jeevika and Manasi busy with gossiping  and children playing with their great grand parents. That time Rithika came their with sweets.

Rithika: ( shouting) guys my Rockstar wins the Musicana.  The song is already on trending list .

Maya( excited): I knew it. My bacha, I told you na guys he will win.

Mohini( with a broad smile): ofcourse he is born to win only, just like me. My laddoo

Anjali: ( pouting) really mohini, then what about me?

Mohini: now don't start whinnig Anu, he is yours too, and you are his first Guru too, so how are you feeling teacher?

Anjali: ( teary) out of the world, I just wanted to see him perform live for once in my life.

Maya: and that day my maa will also sing with him after 15 years, right maa

Mohini: ofcourse she will. You know guys the first time Manik sing when he is 3.5 years and she literally made everyone of us  take leave from office and celebrate.

Dadi( with tears): from that day for 6 months we wake up with Anjali and Ladoo's Keerthanam ( Karnatik singing for God) in pooja room.
It's been 15 years, I'm yearning for that.

Dada: maybe we are not that fortunate .

Manasi: Dada , you don't worry everything will be fine, and our Rockstar will be with us soon.

Jeevika: exactly dadi, as far as we know everyone trying for every possible way and Manik will be with us .

Pankudi: and then we can hear both of  our Anjali maa and Manik sing together.

Rithika: but I have a doubt. As far as I know Manik is into rock music like Arjun . I never heard him sing Karnatik.

Pankudi: Haan ma, he always sing bollywood or rock.

Mohini: once you hear him sing Karnatik  you will see, how good he is

Anjali: yes, it's like music is in his blood from birth. And the intresting part is either of his parents are not intrested in music.

Rithika: wow, I didn't know my Rockstar can sing classical too

Jeevika: poor arjun, he himself is a world famous singer, but his wife is crazy for his own brother singing.

Ritika: oh shut up jee. Manik is my crush before even Arjun came into my life.

Pankudi: even he is my crush too, specially his hight. Damn only if Goutham has that height.

Dada: ofcourse he is my grandson. And handsome like me

Dadi: oye, shut up Ram, he is like his dad and great grand father only. Not like you.

Mohini: that's true, he is just like Maan.

Maya: and pankudi and Rithika, you are crushing over my little brother

Ritika: But maya he already have a girlfriend.

Anjali: because they both love each other

Maya: exactly, not like you guys crushing over my poor bro

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