Male! Belarus x Yandere! Male!

Start from the beginning

there was hundreds of my picture on the wall and the table! Why!? I get close to get a better look. Some of my picture had hearts on them and some of them were pictures of mine and someone. But only my pictures were ok, the others were cut off. I look down on the table to see a camera,diary,pens,marker ets. I take the diary and start reading it.



Dear dairy,

Today I was hanging out with my friend Russia. He introduced me to his brother Belarus! He joined us to our little trip to Starbucks! Russia doesn't like Starbucks, he rather drink his vodka then coffee. He even made a fuss about it! But good thing Belarus seems to like Starbucks like me!


Yeah, I remember that day, when we first meet......



Dear dairy,

I was hanging out with Belarus today. We were walking down the street when we saw Russia fighting with Ukraine! We quickly got to the scene and tried to stop them,before it got bloody. I was grateful to Belarus! If he wasn't there I don't know how I would have stopped the fight!


Huh? Seems from the dates,Looks like he doesn't write much.



Dear dairy,

I today saw Belarus with a girl chatting and drinking Starbucks. I wonder who she is. Maybe I should ask him? No it would look weird. I should just stay silent.


Wha- why? Why would he think it was weird? I am his friend! He should have asked me!



Dear dairy,

Belarus has kinda stopped hanging out with me. He seems to hangout with that girl more often now. What was her name again? I think it was Israel. Anyways! Today America asked me out on a date. And since I had nothing to do, I went with him. The date was a little chaotic. We were walking down the street when Russia suddenly came and tried to dragged me away. And that kinda started a fight between them. 





Dear dairy,

Belarus has stopped hanging out with me. He doesn't even replay to my text often. And call was way far.





i can't take it anymore! Why isn't he talking with me?! I...


What's going on? And the handwriting seem a little messed up...



Dear dairy ~

Should I just kill her.....Should i kill Israel? 


The date......It's yesterday' can't happen....he would never do that.....


I turned around to see (Y/N) standing there with his arms crossed. I was horrified.My thoughts were telling me to run away but....I need to know.

"Did you do it?" I asker. He looks at me and smiles. No....he....HE DID IT?!?

"HOW COULD YOU! HOW COULD YOU DO THIS?! HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME!!?" I shouted at the top of my lungs, Tears running down my face.

"Oh,dear. how could I not? She was taking you away from me" he said. Suddenly I noticed he was holding a Bat in hand.... 

"Oh, dear. Do you know how many days you tormented me? The day you suddenly started to hangout with that thing, I lost my mind." He said in a crazy tone. 

I noticed ,he's eyes had hearts in it? 

He raised his bat and... *Thug* 

The last thing I remember was..........

 "You are mine to Begin with!" 


I know the ending may look rushed because it is rushed. Yeah. I ran out of ideas. I hope you enjoyed it. Um. I don't know what sound that a person makes when they fall on the ground hard, so I just wrote thug., yeah! Thats it hope you like it! 

Anyways goodbye!

Author out!I

pissst- you there! Yeah,,you,Reader! Check out my new story "Not OUR"! It a Countryhumans x Female!reader!

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