The New Kid

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Eric's alarm went off to get up and ready for school.

"AUGH! School time already? But I was just starting to enjoy my weekend!"

Liane opened the door to Eric's room and said,

"Good morning, sweetie! Mommy has pancakes for you!"

Eric smiles in joy.

"Oh, sweet!"

Eric gets dressed and runs downstairs to the dinner table where breakfast was set.

"Oh cewl, thanks Mom!"

As Eric ate his pancakes, Liane walked into the kitchen.

"You know, Eric, I heard there are gonna be some new families coming into town this week. I'm sure there will be new children to meet!"

Eric gobbles down his pancakes and grabs his bag.

"Yeah, cewl, whatever Mom. I'm going to school."

Eric slammed the door as he left the house.

As Eric walked to the bus stop, he saw Kyle, Stan, and Kenny.

"Hey guys, what are you all talking about or whatever."

Eric asked, but really didn't care.

Kyle turned to Eric.

"Hey, Cartman! We were just talking about how there are gonna be new people coming to the town! Aren't you excited?"

Eric just scoffs.

"Excited? More like bored! We don't need new people in this town! I like the people here already, why do we need more?"

Kyle just gets angry at Eric's remark.

"You know what, Cartman? Fuck you!"

Eric just furrows his eyebrows.

"Well fuck you, too, Kyle."

They sat in silence as they waited for the bus to arrive.

Once the bus arrived, they hopped on. Eric sat alone, Kyle sat with Kenny, and Stan sat with Butters.

"Hey, Butters! Did you hear the news?"

Butter looks over at Stan in surprise.

"News? What news?"

Stan smiles widely.

"There are new families coming to town, which means more students that get added at our school! More friendship opportunities!"

Butters eyes lit up.

"Wow! New friends! I really hope they're nice!"

Stan nods in agreement.

"Me too!"

Once the bus got to the school everybody got off and went inside.

"I wonder what he would look like? A cool buzzed cut with a leather jacket and ripped jeans. Ooh! And fancy boots, too!"

Butters describes.

"Yeah! Or maybe one of those nerd boys we can make fun of! Ha ha ha!"

Stan replied.

As Stan and Butters were laughing, Wendy walks by and says,

"What if they're a girl?"

Butters and Stan just went silent.

The final bell rang and all the students go to class.

The kids take their seats as Mr. Garrison walks into the room with a new student.

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