chapter 8

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At the paradise cafe

At the paradise cafe

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

Coach:ok my dears students congratulations for winning in all the competition

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

Coach:ok my dears students congratulations for winning in all the competition.i am really proud of you young mens and young is upstairs if you want you can go and enjoy funny buisness ok.

The students cheered and thanked their coach.

The students had their dinner and went to club to enjoy by dancing.some of them took shots.some were dancing with their girlfriends.

Honey:come baby let's dance.

Y/n:sure babes.

Honey and y/n were dancing crazily on the floor and yoomin were dancing happily and lost in each other eyes.jk and jhope were talking while drinking wine.

Girl:if you don't mind shall we dance oppa(she is classmate of jhope )

Kai (one of the friend of jk):sure dear.jk are you ok by yourselves?

Jk:yes enjoy.(saying that he winked at him)

Kai just chuckled and went to dance with his classmate.jk suddenly kept his hand on his head feeling little dizzy.

Bartender:sir are you okay??

Jk:yeah bro.if you don't mind can you tell me where is washroom?

Bartender:sure sir come with me(saying that he wrapped jk's hand on his shoulder ans wrapped his hand around his waist.he took to a room instead of washroom)now my work is done.
You take it from here.

??:sure here is your money madam said to give it to you.
The bartender took the money and went away happily.jk is passed out on the bed.

??:you are really handsome.

Here with y/n and honey's pov

Y/n:let's take break babes(she said little bit loud as the song is playing little loudly)

Honey:sure dear.

They went to the counter and order good wine for themselves.they looked around seeing everyone enjoying the moment.

Y/n:I feel like something is wrong baby

Honey:what do you mean??

Y/n:where is jhope oppa and bunny??

Honey:may be dancing I think.

Y/n:no babes search for hobi oppa and I am gonna search for bunny.

Saying she stood up and start to search for jk.honey too went to search for others.she found him dancing with one of her classmate riya.she went and tapped his shoulder.she signalled him to come with her.yoomin noticed too  and went to them.kai excused himself and went with  her.

Kai:hey what happen Bubba are you ok?

Honey: I  don't know oppa first y/nie said something is she told me to search for you  after seeing all of you here except our bunny I feel scared what if something happen to them??y/n didn't even return.please find them.(she is almost on the verge of crying)

Jimin:w-hat? Suga do something I want my sister and my little bunny safe and sound.(said in pleading tone)

Suga:hey calm down hobi let's both sit here.we will be back ok.(saying that he and hobi comforted them.after making sure they are normal,they went to search for them.)

Y/n' pov
She asked one of her classmate to check in the men's washroom and got negative answer.she thanked him and went to search in rooms incase jk is resting due to hangover.

Y/n:ohh god please keep him safe.(saying that she started to check )

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