After a long amount of small talk, a plate full of appetizers, and lots of glasses of water, we all finally sit down for dinner, with me unfortunately at the head of the table because apparently I am the "blossoming youth" and I should be the head of the conversation. As much as I can talk and make conversation with people, it's really hard with these kinds of people despite having practice for my whole life. I knew I had to come because Amma asked, but I wish I came just a little later because even a few hours seems like a few years.

"Anushka, did you get that salwar from Seema," Sanjana Aunty asks, referring to the tailor we usually go to. I shake my head and tell her that I bought it a few months ago at a ready-made store that is at the market a few minutes from my apartment. I see her make eye contact with Amma who just shakes her head before looking back down at her food.

I smile and nod as my attention gets turned to all the uncles who are now grilling me with questions about my life, as if they haven't known me for most of my life.

"Oh and my son, you remember Shankar right," Parthav Uncle asks and I nod, sipping my water as I maintain eye contact with him.

"Yeah he's shifted back to Hyderabad now that his studies in Delhi are over," He tells me and I just raise my eyebrows acting shocked as I smile telling him how great it must be that his son is living close to him.

"Actually Anushka, I think his place is close to yours," Sanjana Aunty says, Parthav Uncle's wife.

"Oh, um, I didn't know that," I say to him politely, gulping down a little bit of water as I keep my eye contact with him.

"You should meet up sometime. Maybe for dinner after work or over the weekend."

"Yeah, he can have another familiar face around here."

"You both are the same age too, maybe we are creating a relationship here."

And the adults go on for a little longer, bickering, and scheming about me and my future "relationship" and then moving to their children and then finally ending up at a future vacation they have in the planning.

By this time, it's not long before everyone leaves after saying lots of goodbyes and promising to meet again at an upcoming party in a few weeks.

"Amma really, did you guys have to talk about me meeting that guy for so long," I exclaim out as I sit down on the couch after Nanna does. Amma sits down by me as she sighs and opens her phone up on her lap.

"Anushka, it's just to get to know him. We aren't forcing you. Anyways, we would rather you be around someone like him and maybe have a relationship with someone like him than any other person we don't know," Amma replies to me, reaching out to feel the fabric of the dupatta that is resting on my lap.

"Yeah Anushka, he is someone we know so it's a good way to make a connection," Nanna adds as he rocks in his chair looking at me. I let out a sigh, my eyes resting on the high ceiling above me as I lean my head back on the couch.

"I really don't need to be set up with anyone," I tell them, shaking my head as I run my hands through the ends of my hair.

"Anushka, don't be arrogant. We don't need you ending up with the wrong crowds like Rana has. At least one child can end up right," Nanna explains to me, his tone firm as he and Amma share a glance with each other.

"Don't bring Anna into this please," I say, putting my hand in the air as I frown, not wanting to get into this with them right now.

"It's getting late, I should go back now," I say, as I abruptly get up before giving them a chance to continue to argue with me.

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