"hey." Wolfe mumbles. "Skai found us some Brandy."

"Who's this?" The girl, Skai I'm assuming, slaps a hand lightly on my shoulder.

"That," Paris says loudly, "Is my sister. Amy."

"Oh! No wonder you're so hot." Skai looks at me with her head tilted as she says it, and I thank God that it's dark out because she can't see my blushing.

"Um. Thank you?"

Skai winks at me, and pushes a strand of long blonde hair out of her face. "Wolfe! New friends! Come say hi!"

I give a polite smile as the boy trudges over. "Hey. I'm Wolfe."

"Hi, I'm Amy."

Wolfe looks down, and Skai laughs. "Sorry about his social awkwardness. My buddy here is a wannabee Goth."

"Not Wannabee!" Shouts Wolfe.

"Dude," begins Skai, "You like to watch Cat videos and you listen to Five SOS."


I laugh, and Skai throws her arm around me. As she does, her fingers accidentally brush the back of my neck. She doesn't seem to notice, but I do.

"See? Amy here gets it."

"Cat videos?" I ask with a dubious tone.

"They make me feel happy." Wolfe reasons.

"Hey Ass wipes!"

Paris yells the insult in a sing song voice, and I look around to find Paris far away from us, already in the camp grounds with a small fire started.

"Bring me that Bottle!" screams Paris.

Skai grins, and Wolfe tries hard not to smile. "Oh God I missed that crazy demanding Bitch." Says a still grinning Skai.

"What? But you're a crazy demanding bitch too!"

I can't help but giggle a little at how blunt Wolfe was.

We start to walk down the hill towards Paris, but then Skai moves ahead and begins running. "Hey!" I yell, "Why are you running?"

"Who has time for walking!?" She laughs. "The world is turning, the time is ticking, and we're all dying, who has time for walking!?"

I guess It's a good enough reason. I follow suit, and then Wolfe joins in. We all collapse when we get to the fire, and I'm a sweaty mess, but nonetheless I feel amazing. The moment reminds me of one of my favorite books, The Perks of Being A Wallflower.

The Girl Who Chased StarsWhere stories live. Discover now