Chapter 47

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"Alright, I'm calling a meeting." I said as I sat down in my desk chair. Everyone I've slept with so far was in the room. Katsuki, Denki, and Eijiro were on my bed. Mina was sitting in my bean bag, and Shoto was sitting in my lounge chair.

"Obviously, this is a meeting." Katsuki snapped.

"Any attitude will not be accepted, and if that's how you're going to be about it. You can get out, and like I said earlier, kiss my ass goodbye." I told him and pointed at the door.

"Pff, whatever." He brushed me off but didn't get up either.

"Anyway." I said, moving on. "Earlier today was unacceptable. I refuse to be fought over just for a quick lay."

"Yeah, it did get a little out of hand." Mina admitted. Her hair was a bit messed up from her and Katsuki getting into their fight during lunch.

"Which is why we are going to create a rotating system." I told them. "If you still wish to be a part of this relationship pool, it's this or your out." I said straight up.

Denki slowly raised his hand.

"Yes Denki?" I said.

"Would we be able to request time with you?" He asked. "Off and on like a work schedule?"

"Sure, I think we could figure that out." I told him. Shoto raised his hand next, I pointed to him for his turn.

"Could we then request multiple days with you?" He asked.

"I don't see why not." I answered. "But doing so would most likely push back the next time you got to get with me. If you're going to take up time, it's going to have to stay equal to keep everyone happy. We can figure out the minor details later." Mina slowly raised her hand. I nodded and let her know she was next.

"What if it's not our day with you, but we want or need attention?" She asked. Everyone looked at her in confusion, and she looked at them with the same look. "What? I'm needy and want lots of cuddles."

"I'm sure free time in between sex acts will be fine, dependent on who's day it is." I laughed. "And I'm sure if there's some type of emergency, we could play it by year at that point. And I'm sure we could do a free day where everyone has a chance for whatever."

"What would cause emergency cuddles?" Eijiro asked.

"Don't know." I shrugged. "But we need to keep this open for new ideas and possibilities. That way, everyone can stay happy."

"Could we schedule threesomes?" Shoto asked, and everyone whipped their head at him. I was even surprised he asked. "You were all thinking it."

"I don't see why not, but also would need the other persons permission before requesting. And I guess you can invite others on your days." I answered. "Any other questions?"

"Yeah, how are we going to decide what order we're going in?" Katsuki asked.

"Well, since you all acted like douche bags earlier." I said with an attitude. "Shoto will be in front of you. But we can just pull names out of a hat to figure out the rest of the order."

"But Mina just had you last night." Denki whined, and I just gave him a look. He just leaned back with a sour look on his face and shut his mouth.

"Anyway." I said. "I've already put all your names in this hat, and we just got to write down the order."

"I have a question." Ei said as he raised his hand. "What happens to the order if new people get involved?" I figured he was asking for Sero's sake.

"We can either add them to the end or re-draw names. We can figure that out later." I suggested. They all nodded. "Okay, ready? After Shoto, it will be Mina." They all moaned and groaned, while Mina got up and started jumping around to rub it in the guys faces.

"If you don't like it, leave!" Mina sang as she realized she won.

"Then Eijiro." I continued. "Then Denki. Then Katsuki." I was able to finish.

"Why am I-?" Katsuki started, but caught himself before he fucked up for the last time. "Fine."

"I mean, it's not like you couldn't join y/n and Kirishima, wouldn't be the first time." Mina teased as she was still celebrating the fact that she got to go first.

"Shut up." He told her. "Otherwise I'll kick your ass again."

"Oh please, just because you started it doesn't mean you won." Mina argued.

"I didn't start it, but I sure as did finish it." Katsuki snapped back, and was ready to get up.

"Should I go get popcorn?" Denki asked.

"You didn't finish it either!" Mina yelled. "Mr. Vlad threatened to stick us to the cieling upside down if we didn't stop fighting."

"And-!" Katsuki went to continue to argue, but I couldn't take it anymore.

"That's it!" I yelled and thrusted my hand out. I changed my fingers into tenticles and wrapped them around the two children who refused to get along. "If you two are going to keep fighting, then you're out!" I opened my door and placed them outside my bedroom door. "Come back when you two are ready to admit your horny fuckers and you're willing to get along!" I slammed the door behind them and took a deep breath.

"That's hot." Denki said as he was looking at the tenticles coming out of my hand. We all looked at him, and he looked at all of us with confused faces. "Oh, cause you've never heard of hentai."

There was a knock on the door, and while I still had my tenticles out I opened up the door. Katsuki and Mina stood there side by side.

"We're horny fuckers and we're willing to get along." The both said at the same time, and I could only smirk.

"Good." I said, and crossed my arms. "Now get out, it is still Shoto's day, and we'll see you at dinner. Maybe." I then forced everyone else out and left just me and Shoto in the room. "Oh and Ei, one more thing."

"Yeah?" Eijiro asked as I walked to the door.

"Could you by any chance-?" I asked, but he cut me off with a smile.

"I gotcha, I'll talk to him at dinner." He told me, and I took a deep breath.

"Thanks. He kind of overheard a sexual conversation at lunch and learned that Shoto's involved. And-." I started explaining, but I stopped when he put his hand on my shoulder.

"I said I gotcha." He told me again. I took another deep breath and calmed myself down. "Don't worry, everything will be fine."

"Yeah." I said and I closed the door as he left.

"What's hentai?" Shoto asked from behind me, and all I could bring myself to do was hang my head.

"Oh, you poor sweet child."

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