Chapter 1

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The year is 1864 Stefan and Katherine are in the upstairs bedroom of the Salvatore mansion hiding away from the founder's day party all alone kissing in the sheets of his bed half naked and desperate for each other's love. Damon walks around with some other founder's talking about how to kill all the demon's of the night.

"So how will the execution go?" Damon asks.

"Well Mr Salvatore pass this message on to your father." Jonathan says.

"I will Johnathon."

"We are going to round up all the demons with this pocket watch."

"How is this pocket watch going to stop them?"

"With the chemicals of science and the correct formula this watch can detect the unnatural." Jonathan says while lying straight up to Damon's face.

"So It will only locate them and we have to do the rest of the work?"

"Yes, that is exactly what we will do."

"And how do we kill them all?"

"The church we are going to inject them all with vervain and burn them alive and then we will say good riddance to the species we have already been notified one is using your little brother to get involved with the council can Stefan be trusted?"

"I speak on behalf of my brother, he can be trusted."

"Let's hope so Mr Salvatore."

Stefan leans on the end of his bed and Katherine kisses him biting his shoulder and the taste of battery acid hits the back of her throat as she begins to cough the blood up. Stefan look's up and is confused about what had just happened. Giuseppe Salvatore: Stefan and Damon's father walks into the room with a mouth guard and an injection of vervain and he puts the mouth guard around Katherine's face and ties it around the back of her neck and injects her with more vervain. Giuseppe pins Stefan to the wall as he looks into Stefan's eyes.

"Do you know what the council will do to you?" Giuseppe says.

"They will treat me like one of them." Stefan replies.

"Then go and get Mr Forbes from downstairs. He will take her and do right by your family." Giuseppe throws Stefan's shirt at him and Stefan goes downstairs and alerts Mr Forbes and he takes Katherine away in a horse and cell carriage. The town bell rings alerting the founders council and the time changes to present day it is now 2009 and Stefan and Elena are kissing one another against the lockers in the school hallway and the bell rings sending all the students to their classes.

"Come on, let's head to lesson." Stefan says to Elena.

"Okay also can you feel him watching us?" Elena asks.

"Who Matt?"

"Yes Matt he's been watching me since I broke up with him it's getting weird now like get over it already."

"Want me to talk to him?"

"Talk or put your fist in his face?"

"Whatever you want it to be."

"Fine talk to him but not in class."

Mr Saltzman walks into the classroom and he puts his briefcase on the desk and takes out his laptop test papers.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2023 ⏰

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