Chapter 16- Ability Acquired: Existential Crisis

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"Ok. Coast is clear. Not a demon in sight." Eleanor said as she closed the front door. "Except for, you know... Is that what we should call you? Demon?"

"Well, I mean, it's not really accurate, and we consider it to be a little racist. But it's fine."

"Well, um, let's start our first lesson." Chidi said as he clapped his hands once. "Tahani and Jason will have to make it up since they're both off being fake tortured." He said as Chidi handed the four of us papers on the lesson and we all took our seats.

"I'd like to mention that a being like me studying human ethics is pointless. Wouldn't you rather I work on plans to get us all to the real Good Place?" Michael asked.

"You said you would as a part of our deal, remember?" Shinjiro reminded.

"Shinjiro's right. This is school, that's your after school job." Eleanor added on as we all read through the lesson. "If I could bartend when I was 11, you can handle this."

"Alright. Well, I've read everything on your syllabus, and how do I put this delicately? It's all... stupid garbage."

"Ah, well, are there any philosophers that you found interesting? Lao-Tzu? Buddha? Plato?"

"Nope. No. They're all dum-dums. And terrible writers! So hard to understand."

"I am with you there, dawg." Eleanor agreed.

"Look, we have to start somewhere. So how about Socrates?" 

"Alright, alright. Let me just get into the mindset of a human. Ha, ha. Oh, I'm a human, and my breathing tube is next to my eating tube. Oh, and look, my arms end in stupid little sticks. Ok. Proceed."



We'd just finished our lesson. Michael was inside, ripping the pages of the books, while the rest of us were outside in the patio.

"Man, Michael is not into your class. Right now, I'm the best student. I'm going to be the... velociraptor." Eleanor says as we all look at Michael.

"You trying to say valedictorian?" Chidi asks.

"Can you even be one considering you forgot the word?" Shinjiro jokes.

"Oh, can it, emo boy!" Eleanor exclaims. "Anyways, Chidi. This isn't your fault. You've been teaching him ethics for half an hour, and he's been evil since... the beginning of time."

"Oh! Maybe the reason Michael can't latch onto the ideas is because he's immortal. Look, if you live forever then ethics don't matter to you because, basically, there's no consequences for your actions. You tell a lie, who cares? Wait a few trillion years, the guilt will fade. Before I can teach Michael to be good, someone needs to force him to think about what we think about: that live has an end, and therefore our actions have meaning." 

"That's what you used to think about? I used to think about how it's weird they don't make pants that are just one big pant leg for both your legs." Eleanor asked.

"You mean a skirt?" Chidi asks.

"No. You're not getting it. And my thing is different, so shut up."

"Anyways, who's gonna tell Michael about life having an end?"

"I'll do it. Shinjiro, wanna help me out?" I volunteer.

"Sure." He says.

"Alright, let's do it." Eleanor says.

"Michael." I say as we all walk closer to Michael.


"Is there any way you can die?"

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