Dinner is Served.

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Hotch handed Cecile his keys quickly while Gemma stood and assured Jess that it was fine. Rossi ushered both women out, showing one to the bathroom and the other to the front door. He waited for Cecile to grab a spare dress before directing her to the kitchen for some tissue. 'I think you five get along well,' he remarked while looking for the large kitchen roll.

'I'd hope so. It'd be awkward if we didn't,' Cecile laughed as she began looking for the roll as well.

'There's nothing wrong with two women. I hope you know that,' Rossi tried to comfort as he finally located the paper.

Hesitantly taking some squares from him, Cecile nodded with her eyebrows furrowed. 'Rossi, I'm not homophobic,' she reasoned while awkwardly crossing her arms over her chest at the suggestion.

'I know. But, I wish I made you feel more comfortable before tonight. There's no shame in it. I'll take this out to Aaron and Jessica, maybe you can help Gemma,' Rossi suggested as he walked out of the room, leaving her to ponder his words.

Walking to the bathroom Gemma was left in, Cecile knocked and was practically pulled into the small room. 'Sorry, I can't get the dress off, can you help me?' Gemma asked, turning her back on Cecile as she pulled her hair in front of her.

Unzipping the dress, Cecile then grabbed some of the squares and wet them, patting the juice off of Gemma's knees while Gemma pulled the dress over her head. 'Sorry, I'm shorter than you are, and I like my dresses short,' she joked when the length of the dress was noticed.

'Oh, no. I like it. Jess needs to get a taste of her own medicine,' Gemma replied as she began wiping her own legs down. 'My shoes are soaked,' she complained while glancing at the wet heels in the corner.

'We don't share shoe size, but you'll be fine. I promise that you won't find any stray needles in the garden. At least, I hope not. Jack is meant to play out there,' Cecile soothed as she zipped the dress up after Gemma's silent prompting. 'Also, have I done something that makes you feel uncomfortable about being with Jess? Because, it goes without saying that I don't care who you like,' she added eagerly.

'Oh, no. You've been really nice to me. And after the comment in the car, there is no way I would feel uncomfortable. Why?' Gemma asked as she shifted the dress around to sit properly.

'Rossi said something. It's probably nothing really. He could have misunderstood something,' Cecile concluded before unlocking the bathroom door and flushing the ruined tissue.

Joining the party again, Jess' eyes widened for a moment at the sight. 'Your chair is soaked too, it is just water now, but you'll get wet,' she explained as Gemma stood behind her old chair.

'Take my chair. I'll sit Jack on my lap,' Cecile suggested as she ran her hand along Gemma's back while passing her. 'He's just a baby anyway,' she added while pinching Jack's cheeks and glancing at the damp chair. 'Or, that's wet too. I'll sit on Pooh Bear's lap then,' she concluded.

Hotch handed Jack to Cecile who wordlessly hugged him and then slid onto his lap. Leaning her arm against his chest, she felt him tense his stomach at her contact. 'You're not being very subtle about this,' he murmured in her ear.

'We have always been close. And stop tensing, I know you aren't a walking six-pack. I prefer you this way,' Cecile grumbled in return as his hand slowly ran up her back, his fingers finding her hair.

Loving the feeling of someone playing with her hair, Cecile said nothing, but her eyelids drooped as she fought back sleep. Without being aware of it happening, her head slowly fell against Hotch's shoulder as Jack jumped down and began running around with Reid and Morgan who had taken to playing football (English football because I am British, so, soccer for Americans????). Just as his fingers stopped fidgeting with her hair, his hand slipped to her back, and he began tickling her skin. Darkness ran through her awareness as Hotch kept his eye on her.

Aaron Hotchner X OCOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora