Chapter 9

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Central Calendar February 22nd, 1639

Gdynia Naval Base, Quila, Rodenius Continent

The darkness of the foggy night shrouded Gydnia Naval Base. In the port, a large portion of the Quilan fleet was docked, including the two Fearless-type battleships Wladislaw Ossowski and Król Jagdellion, 1 pre-Fearless type battleship, 3 armoured cruisers, 2 light cruisers and 10 torpedo boat destroyers. Defenses were fairly tight, and no saboteur can enter the base easily from land or on the sea.

However, beneath the waves, two miniature submersibles  or rather, manned torpedos, called Cerdos by the Lourians, enter the base. They approach the two Fearless-type battleships. Due to the lack of diving gear, they had to keep their head above water. By a stroke of luck, they managed to sneak into the harbor, approaching the two battleships. The Lourians cautiously placed limpet charges on strategic positions on the hull of the battleships. They then turned tail and tried to run.

However, major Antonio Laclave soon found his manned torpedo slowing down rapidly. He tried to crank it up to go faster, but his craft was losing power rapidly. It then occurred to the major that his manned torpedo was suffering from engine breakdowns. He isn't getting out of here on this torpedo. There is nothing that he could do. Not long later, a beam of light fell on his face as he is spotted by guards as he tries to swim out of the base. He was apprehended by the Quilans.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Onboard the Wladislaw Ossowski, Gydnia Naval Base, Quila, Rodenius Continent

Four hours later

Major Laclave was in a brig aboard the battleship, his body and face now bruised purple and black thanks to the crew. He feels the pain even right now. He is now missing half his teeth, and his fingernails had been extracted from his fingers. The crew had tried to extract information from him, but he said nothing, mainly because he knew the beastmen of Quila aren't too big on mercy. They would have him killed anyway if he had revealed information about why he is here. In light of this, he remained silent.

Major Laclave heard footsteps getting louder, signifying that someone is approaching his cell. He tensed up, knowing the torture that is about to come. However, he is still determined to keep his mouth shut so the charge would go off. The footsteps got louder, and a tall bipedal was honed into view. The being was wearing a naval officer's uniform, likely the captain of the ship. The "man" had a jackal head and black fur. The "man" approached Laclave's cell.

"'Alright, my men have already tried their best to get information out of you  but you refuse to cooperate. So…last chance, what on Orthys are you doing here?'" the officer in front of him spoke in extremely broken Muish. Laclave cringed at how badly the officer had butchered it. However, he decided that commenting about the state of the officer's Muish was a bad idea. He tried to remain silent to not reveal his purpose there. Then, something came to his mind.

"Wait, what time is it?" Laclave asked, also in Muish. His Muish was excellent, only hindered by the strong Lourian accent. He seemed both eager and concerned at the same time, which made the captain suspicious.

"'It's 3:38 in the morning. Why do you ask?'" the captain asked.

Laclave smiled a little. Finally the wait is over.

"Captain, I think it's time you evacuate the ship. It would be a shame if…preventable deaths occurred," Laclave said, grinning at the captain.

"'Why?'" the captain asked.

"Limpet mines have been attached to the hull. You have 3 minutes," Laclave said.

The expression on the captain's face says it all. Laclave, for once, was pleased that he was captured. The captain hurried off, likely to begin the evacuation process.

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