Dead man walking

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"Sigyn? Is that you? What of the children?" Aelswith spoke before she quickly rushed over, using some of their rationed water to clean her cuts.

"They both live. Uhtred traded places with them. How long have we been here now?" Sigyn hissed when the wet cloth touched her sensitive flesh.

"God is good." All three of the other people in the room said, Sigyn chuckling softly at the fact they were praising God when it was literally Uhtred who had offered up his freedom for the children.

"How long?" She finally managed to sit up right, her back pressed against the wall for support and she was handed a mug of water which she happily accepted from her.

"Three months. I believe. We are not entirely sure." The news made Sigyn grow tense, had she really been Ivar's prisoner for that long? If that was true, then she hadn't had her monthly bloods the whole time. The thought terrified her. Being pregnant during this and possibly losing another child.

"Edward wants to storm Winchester. Uhtred thinks Sigtryggr wants peace. I think we might die either way." Sigyn confessed, her fight leaving her body as she finally fell into another deep sleep. Unaware of the horrors that Aethelhelm planned for everyone.

She had slept all the way through until hearing the sounds of a battle outside, had they somehow breeched the walls? Would she be saved? Before she could even hope the doors swung open and Ivar ran in, covered in blood with his axe in hand and a crazed look in his eye. "Come. We need to leave."

"No!" She tried to pull her hands back from his grasp but with her broken wrist she couldn't fight his grip. He pulled her to her feet and everyone else was powerless to help her as he pulled her from the room. Dragging her through the empty halls and away from the battle.

"I'm saving your life! You ungrateful little cunt." She punched his gut hard, giving herself a few seconds of freedom as she made a run for all of the chaos outside. She would take her chances on the battlefield. As soon as her hand touched the door, she was pulled back, but the door opened anyway and there stood Finan and Sihtric. Both covered in blood, breathing heavily and looking like rabid dogs as they watched Ivar holding her with his axe pointing in front of her at both men.

"Let her go. She doesn't want to go with you." Finan spoke clearly and Ivar laughed, like he thought he knew her better when truthfully. She had grown so much from that woman he used to know.

Sihtric was quiet, too quiet. Like he was killing Ivar over and over in his head, but his eyes watched his wife. He had a plan, but for it to work she would need to be on the same page. Almost like he was speaking to her telepathically he told her to duck. His fingers holding his daggers counting down from five.

When his fingers got to two, she threw her head back. Driving her skull back into Ivar's nose for the second time since he captured her and then she just threw herself onto the ground. There was a loud noise after she hit the ground and she turned just in time to watch as Ivar fell to the ground, Sihtric's dagger buried deep into his skull and it almost didn't seem real. Was her nightmare truly over?

Finan and Sihtric both ran to her, holding her tightly and she just sobbed. They were happy tears. They were alive and they had both saved her. The noise outside seemed to have stopped and the fighting ceasing between both groups.

"Wait." Sigyn whispered, holding onto Sihtric with her good hand and he stopped his steps. But Finan went on ahead. "How long have I been a prisoner?"

His face broke as he thought about it, seeing how battered and bruised she was in front of him and what hell she had been through. "Three months, closer to four now."

Her eyes fell down to her body hidden beneath the rags, there's no way she could be pregnant. She wasn't showing, there was no symptoms but she felt like he had the right to know anyway. "I don't know if it's the stress, or the fact I haven't been eating. But I haven't bled since being here."

He seemed to understand what she was speaking about but wouldn't focus on it for too long. She was bruised, broken and nearly starved. He had to look after her now. "Come. Let us find you a comfortable bed." He carefully lifted her into his arms, feeling whole once more now he had her back. He found her one of the rooms in the keep, he laid her on the bed and instantly lit the fires beneath the copper tub. "Show me your hand."

"It's been like this for weeks now." She hissed as he gently touched her wrist, attempting to straighten the bone. It hurt like hell but once it was done he tied some wood to either side of her wrist to keep the bone straight, making a home made splint.

"It will take time to heal, but it will heal." He walked over to the water, testing the fact that it was warm enough before he helped her back to her feet. It genuinely broke his heart to see how broken she was, how she even tensed when he removed the dirty rags from her body. "You're safe now. I wont ever let anything else happen to you." She nodded; she truly believed his words. But the pain in her body was almost too much to bear.

"If I am pregnant, I want us to stay here. Until the babe arrives." He agreed, taking a hold of her hand and helping her step into the warm waters. He sat behind her on a stool, cleaning all the dirt and grime from her bruised body.

"That day, when you were taken. I never thought I would see you again." He admitted in a whisper, he had truly spent months worrying for her safety. He knew in his heart she was alive. And she had truly been through hell while they were apart.

"I would never tell them where Uhtred was. You are all my family." Her body started to relax now, for the first time in months. The warm water helping ease the pains in her muscles and her husband's presence calmed her.

"You are so strong." He allowed her to relax in the waters as he ordered for some food to be made for the pair. He joined her again, washing the grime from her hair and the gesture made her tense for a moment, Ivar's words lingering in her mind. What if he truly didn't want her now.

"I've always had to be." Once she was clean, he helped her to her feet and used the towel to help dry her. Before he placed a brand new and clean shift onto her body. His left hand slowly moving to her swollen and bruised face.

"My beautiful and strong wife." He whispered softly, allowing her to sit on the bed as their food was finally brought to them. "You need to eat and rest. I'll be here." They shared the food and water before he laid her back against the bed and wrapped her up in the covers. Pinning her frame against his own so she could relax against his side.

She was finally able to relax completely. Allow her body to heal as her husband watched over her.

They remained in the rooms for weeks while Uhtred sat in on peace talks between Edward, Aethelflaed and Sigtryggr. But her body healed well, her face no longer bruised or swollen.

"Sihtric. Come." Her voice awoke him, he sat up quickly and already had a hand on his dagger before he noticed she was just standing at the other side of the room. He placed his dagger away, approaching her in just his breeches. She turned to face him with a small smile on her face. When she turned to the side, she had pulled her dress at such an angle he could see her swollen stomach. She was carrying his child again.

"The Gods bless us." His left hand rested against her swollen belly, smiling to himself as he already promised himself, he wouldn't leave her. Not for a single second. He had a family to care for. One he had created himself. 

Bloody Revenge | Sigyn x Sihtric Kjartansson | The Last KingdomKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat