Chapter 6:Im Here

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As soon as I hung up Candace came downstairs panicking. She was crying again.

"Baby what's wrong".

"Chloe is in trouble. I need to use your private jet please I need to get to her". She grabbed my shirt begging me.

"Baby you aren't taking my jet alone I'm going with you. Hurry and pack the kids bags and ours and I'll call everyone alright to make sure the jet is good".

She nodded and ran upstairs.

Damn so much going on in one day I swear.

I grabbed my cell phone and called Shawn again and then the crew.

After we dropped the bags off at my brothers house we went to the airport and got on the plane.

"Baby come here".

She walked over to me and sat on my lap.

"She's going to be okay baby alright".

"I told her he wasn't good for her Justin. I knew he was hurting her and she defended him. I told her not to call me but what does she do she calls me". She huffed.

"She's your sister. She will mess up maybe she was just scared".

She shook her head and started to cry. "I just wish she would have listened to me and then he would have got his ass whooped and she would be safe"

"I'm not letting you beat his ass cause he might hurt you and then I'm going to go crazy and beat his ass probably end up in jail".

She laughed a little. "I'm just scared baby".

I held her closer to me. "I know".

After hours of being on the plane we finally got to California. It was about 5 in the morning.

Candace slept the whole way there mean in she will be up I slept probably half the way.

We got in the car and I told my driver to take us to Chloe's place.

Once we arrived Candace got out of the car quickly and went to the house door and knocked on it repeatedly until the door open.

It was Blake.

I walked up next to Candace.

She was calm which is scary.

"Where's my sister"?

"She's upstairs in her room sleep".

She pushed past him and up the stairs. Me I just stayed right next to this man. Not man I mean boy a boy that puts his hands on my little sister.


I walked upstairs and found Chloe's room. Her room was trashed and she was sleeping in her bed.

I went over to her. She had bruises all over her face and she had a black eye. I was getting angry just looking at her.

I shook her.

"Chloe wake up".

She woke up and screamed. I quickly placed my hand over her mouth.

"Shh it's just me. I'm here Chloe".

She looked at me and wrapped her arms around me.

"Candace I'm so glad your here i was so scared. He hit me over and over again last night Candace".

"I told you months ago he wasn't good for you".

"I know but he threatened if I told he would hurt you and Justin and kill Jacob and Jules".

I paused and looked at her.

He threatened my kids oh that's it.

"Pack all your shit now Chloe and call the cops".

She nodded and got out of bed.

I walked out of her room and down the stairs. They were still standing infront of each other having a stare down.

I went over to him and punched him in his face.

He grabbed his face.

"How dare you beat my sister and how dare you threaten my kids".

"Whoa what the hell you mean threaten our kids".

Justin's face was getting red.

"He told Chloe if she told he would kill our kids".

That's all Justin had to hear. He tackled Blake to the ground and started throwing punches to his face. Blake was trying to fight back but I can tell Justin blacked out.

Blake's face was bleeding.

To be honest I didn't want Justin to stop but if he didn't he would probably kill him.

"Baby stop it". I go over to him and pull his shoulder.

"Justin calm down. He's had enough. Stop".

Justin was breathing hard and got off of him.

Soon the police came and they had to take both Justin never Blake to the police station.

I bailed Justin out of jail and we couldn't leave California until court which was probably a month which sucks.


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A Billionaire's Life (Completed) Book IIWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt