A Thief in the Night Came.

Start from the beginning

Hotch slowly closed the door and turned around, glad to see that he couldn't see Cecile. She had, moments before, stepped into the dining room. His search was quick as he glanced from one room to the next. Cecile, however, was trying to wrap her head around what had happened. Moments before she was sure Jess and Hotch were together. And then the next thing she knows, Jess said she wanted to get it on with Cecile, and that Hotch felt something. Her eyes darted around as she played with the key in her palm.

'I was wondering where you went. You didn't have to leave, we were just saying goodbye,' Hotch remarked as he stood by the door and an awkward air settled between them.

'You two just seemed like you needed a minute. She's a lovely person. Anyway, I should probably get back to the office,' Cecile commented, irritated that she had forced herself into an awkward corner, wanting to stay but not able to.

Hotch ran his hands through his hair as he watched her gleaming eyes. 'Why did you really come here? I know it wasn't for the key, your reports were fine,' he quietly commented as he saw a tear fall to the floor.

'Fine isn't perfect,' Cecile mumbled before she sniffed and wiped her eye. 'I should go, and not just say that I am going to go,' she chuckled before slowly walking towards the dining room door. As she walked in front of Hotch, his hand caught her wrist and he took the key from her before she could stop him.

Hotch sighed in the dark room as he struggled to clearly see her features, but her brown eyes drew him in and he couldn't take his attention away from them. 'Why did you really come here?' He asked. All it would take was a word, or a sign that she felt something for him. Did she really just see them as a flirtatious couple of colleagues? Hotch couldn't tell what she was thinking half of the time, but when it came to love, he was so sure that he wouldn't, he couldn't, mess it up. If he did or said something she didn't like or want, everything was ruined.

'Because I had a shitty date, and the entire time I was thinking about you, because you're my friend. Even if I don't have any friends. And because I have never sat and angrily watched the clock while shaking my foot with you, you would never lie to me, one moment he said one thing and then he would say something that was contradictory to that. I just trust you, even if I don't trust anyone,' Cecile quietly confessed.

Hotch felt his heart flutter at her words as she led up to what he needed from her. 'There's more to it,' he murmured as he held her wrist, his hand with the key in pinched her chin and made her look at him.

Frustrated, Cecile pulled away as she shamefully wiped her tears. 'Fine, you really want me to stand here and tell you everything while you look at me like that? I'll do it, but you aren't going to like it. I love you, Aaron Hotchner. I was stood there, thinking about how to escape Don, when I realised that all I wanted was for you to be there with me, I wanted you to swoop in and just talk to me. The way we talk in the car, when you're angry with me, or when I'm telling you some of the dumbest things about my life, and we just listen. I know it was just a game, but it isn't a game anymore,' she confessed as more tears fell from her eyes.

Waiting for his onslaught of words, his dark warning about how wrong it was and how little he cared for her, Cecile met his eye. Whatever he said, she would take it and fight to lose the love that she had built in her heart for him. However, her eyes widened when his soft lips landed on hers. After a few moments, her eyes fluttered closed and her lips moved with his. The relaxed calm that surged through them both felt almost fake as Hotch wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her closer to him. 'You have no clue how much it hurt when you told me that you were leaving me for a date tonight,' he murmured in her ear as they surfaced for breath.

'You could have said something,' Cecile said as she heaved for breath against his chest, her hand resting on his chest.

'If I said something, what would you have done?' Hotch asked darkly as he pushed his key into his pocket and placed his hand onto the back of her thigh.

Thinking, Cecile pinched Hotch's chest as she thought. 'I would have run for the hills because love doesn't exist,' she murmured as he smiled down at her. 'But now things are starting to make sense. The whole, nearly had sex multiple times thing and the way that people talk to us,' she hummed quietly.

'This explains a lot more than just that. It explains why you stopped swearing so much, and it explains why I put up with you for so long,' Hotch teased before planting a quick kiss on her lips.

'How didn't we kiss sooner?' Cecile asked quietly as she played with the drawstrings on his pyjamas. 'We were seconds away from having sex, or from orgasm so many times,' she joked while pondering on the answer.

Hotch suddenly grabbed the backs of her thighs and brought her legs up, Cecile's body wrapping around his as he carried her into the lounge. 'I carry Jack like this,' he murmured. 'But I think the reason we never kissed was because the one time we had enough time to kiss, you were too busy knitting your week old noodles,' he complained with a quiet warning.

'You make it out like I can't care for myself,' Cecile complained with a smirk as Hotch lowered himself onto the sofa.

'Oh no, you can look after yourself. You just choose not to. And that's worse,' he replied before pulling her lips against his as his hands found her heels, and he untied the wrap, letting them land with a thud. Their breathing became heavy as they refused to pull apart. Their wet kiss grew louder as their hands grabbed any part of each other they could. Until Cecile ran her fingers through Hotch's hair and she grabbed it firmly, pulling his head back and parting their lips.

Shocked, Hotch found himself almost asking what was going on when her lips attached themselves to his neck and he let out a moan. 'Good boy,' Cecile whispered as her breath fanned down his tender neck. As her lips met his skin again, Hotch's mind fell blank.

'Fuck,' Hotch moaned as she started running her thumb's nail against his lower lip.

Pulling back, Cecile smirked as her jaw dropped. Hotch fell red as he realised what he had done. 'Oh, Hotchner, Baby, what you have just given me is far better than an orgasm. You have no clue what you have just done,' she informed him as her hand grabbed his chin. 'And who knew that Aaron Hotchner had a praise kink?'

The look in Hotch's eye made Cecile bite her lip before she jumped to her feet, running away from him. Normally, he would let her escape, but it was late, they had both drunk a couple cups of wine, and they were in the privacy of his own home. Jumping up, he followed her and threw her over his shoulder as she quietly tried to plead her case without waking Jack up.

Cecile landed on the bed with a thud as Hotch crawled over her. 'One day,' he began before planting a kiss on her lips. 'I am going to show you exactly how submissive you are,' he told her before he gently bit her chin.

'Oh, I know how submissive I am,' Cecile informed him while wrapping her arms around his neck as she pulled him to lay on top of her. 'Daddy,' she teased before pushing him off of her and turning as if trying to sleep.

'You have your makeup on, you have to get up eventually,' Hotch murmured as his hand ran up her thigh.

Shaking her head, Cecile closed her eyes tighter as she hugged the corner of the pillow. In the end, Hotch took her makeup off with a wipe while she grumbled tired complaints about how rough he was being.

A/N: They've finally done it. Took their bloody time but it's finally done! Woohoo. But the story isn't over yet...

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