Whodunit: Writing A Mystery

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Hello Creators! It's that time again to take a deep dive into one of Wattpad's favourite genres: Thrillers and Mysteries!

Everyone loves a chance to dust off their old detective cap and try to catch the killer from the comfort of the coziest spot in their house. It's a thrilling experience to search for clues and figure out whodunit, which is one of the biggest appeals of the genre: you get all the fun in trying to solve the case without dealing with any of the real world consequences! Best of both worlds!

If you are looking to dig out the old magnifying glass and write your own mystery/thriller, here are a few tips to get you started!

Figure out what kind of mystery/thriller you want to write

There are plenty of popular subgenres within the mystery/thriller space, and knowing the style of story you want to write will help you generate ideas for characters, plots, and conflicts. Cozy mysteries are often set in small towns with less gruesome crimes. Procedural mysteries often centre around police detectives. Hardboiled noir mysteries have femme fatales and rogue detectives. Or you could write a suspense thriller where a regular person has to solve the case.

Know the crime; outline to save time!

Before you start writing your story, there are a few key pieces of information you should know about your story. 

- What is the crime that needs to be solved?

-Who committed the crime? 

-Why did they commit the crime? 

-What clues does the protagonist need to find/figure out to solve the case? 

An outline will help you keep your story on track, avoid plot holes, and ensure that your story has a satisfying resolution. You don't need to have every detail of the story worked out, but having a general idea of the beginning, middle, and end will help you focus your writing and keep you on track. Keeping these questions in mind when outlining will help keep you on track and make the plot engaging and exciting!

Create a smart detective and a fun cast of characters

The detective is the cornerstone of any good mystery or thriller. Your detective should be smart, resourceful, and have a unique perspective on the world. You want your readers to be invested in your detective's journey and root for them as they solve the crime. In addition to a smart detective, you also want to create a fun cast of characters. From the suspect to the victim, each character should have their own distinct personality and motivations. You want your readers to care about each character and be invested in the outcome of the story. Creating a fun cast of characters can also help you add layers to your story. Each character should have their own secrets and motivations, which can add depth and intrigue to the story.

To write a gripping and successful story, you need to determine what kind of mystery or thriller you want to write, outline the crime, and create a smart detective and a fun cast of characters. By following these tips, you'll be well on your way to crafting a story that will keep your readers engaged and entertained. So, get your detective hat on, and let the writing begin!

Happy Writing!

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