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I'm starting off with some angst since I wanna cry

Now playing •home•
                                  - by cavetown


3rd pov.

Dream starred at the celling waiting for sapnap and George to come home. He has been alone for more than 2 months, no one visiting him nor checking up on him.He misses Sapnap and George so much.

After starring at the celling for a long time, he then got up and headed to the living room and found patches playing with a yarn ball.He smiled as he remembered he isn't alone, he has patches with him. Dream then walked towards patches and bent down and picked her up and began petting and rubbing her furry friend.Hearing her meows,he calmed down a bit and walked to the kitchen with him carrying patches with her yarn ball. He then placed her down on the counter top and scramble through the shelves.

He then grabbed the cat food and opened it up. It was hard but he managed it. Patches then went towards him as he panicked he might fall, he then accidentally dropped the cat food and grabbed patches and winced seeing a cut on his finger due to the sharp can. He then walked towards the living room and placed patches there and grabbed some of her toys and placed it down next to her. Dream then walked to the kitchen and grabbed the can and threw it at the trash, looking back at the mes. He sighed and grabbed a broom and began sweeping the mess.Dream then grabbed a mop and began cleaning.

Dream then heard his phone buzz and lit up, he then walked towards the counter and grabbed his phone wincing at the cut on his finger. He then grabbed a med kit on the shelf having it prepared due to George and Sapnap hurting themself mostly everyday.Dream then grabbed an alcohol and bandage and began cleaning his cut making sure it doesn't get infected. He then carefully wrapped the cut with the bandage and sighed in relief.

Dream then grabbed another cat food and made sure to open it carefully and grabbed a pot and placed it on the stove and opened it and turned it on low heat, he then placed the cat food on the counter near the stove and checked his phone noticing a notification from twitter on George's account. His eyes lit up excitedly and opened his phone quickly, his smiled then turned to a shock with sad expression as he opened the notification and saw George with Karl? George hands  were wrapped around Karl's waist and Karl's hand were on his shoulder giggling.. a tear then fell on his cheeks reading the caption Which said "with my beloveded one <3"  he was about to close his phone when he got a text from bad


Hey, you alright? I saw George's post, aren't you both together?



Yeah, we were now. Whether it's a prank or not I don't really care

Alright but just you know I'll be there when
You need me alright?

  Yeah okay thanks bad
   Seen at 12:47am


ream sighed as he putted his phone down and began cooking patches food. When he finally finished heating up patches food, he then poured it to her bowl and added milk on the other bowl and placed it near patches bed which was 20 inches.

Dream then sat down on their movie room and began scrolling through movies as he gets a call "my idiot 💗"  a tear fell down on his cheeks and hesitated to answer it but did it anyways. "Hey dream, how are you?" George said as if he was running out of breath, dream got suspicious since he heard some shuffles in the background "nothing much, what about you and your boyfriend?" Dream said in a low and a voice that sounded emotionaless, the call got quiet after that. "Look if you don't have anything to say except for breaking up with me then I'll hang up" dreams says about to hang up but then heard George speak "w-wait no!! Let me explain, love please" "no explain it when you get home. I don't care if you bring sapnap or Karl with you." Dream says hanging up and sighed feeling a tear run down his cheeks soon a tear began to be a sob

His mind was in a different place, he didn't knew how to express himself during thid time now he was just starring at the celling not feeling an emotion anymore. He then began to dozz off, Falling asleep soon. When he woke up a sunrise hit his face, he groaned remembering he closed every windows, he then felt a hand on his cheeks. Feeling confused he opened his eyes fully seeing... George,Sapnap, and Karl. Great


The table was in completely silence. All eyes were on dream, and ofcourse he hated it. The silence were broken with George voice "uh so dream how are you doing?" Dream just looked at George like he was a psycho and then spoke"oh no I feel great finding out that my so called boyfriend was with one of my best friend" dream said sarcastically glaring at both of them "look dream, fuck I know your angry but don't take it out on karl he didn't kn-" sapnap was caught off by a loud fist hitting the table making the plates and cups moved a little "didn't knew?! The fuck you mean?! He was the FIRST person to knew! And you come here your bullshits and the fuck you are on about on me taking the anger at Karl?! I haven't even started a fight during the time here and for your information I have every right to take my anger on any of you. including you!" Dream said standing up gripping on the table, they just starred at him, until Karl spoke  "look I know your angry but-" "but?! But what?! Yes I'm angry and any of you speaking aren't helping!" Dream says having enough and stormed off to his room


Dream sighed closing his eyes trying to figure and calmed himself down but only for it to be ruined by a knock on the door "dream?" Dream sat up hearing a familiar voice and no it wasn't George nor sapnap or karl.

The door opened and revealed badboyhalo and punz his eyes widened and a tear fell on his eyes and hugged the both of them quickly sobbing on punz's shoulder as bad rubs dream's back trying to calm his best friend down. Few minutes later dream then fell asleep and punz carefully layed dream on his bed. Both punz and bad left dreams room and glared at the three "mind explaining what happened?" Bad said in a dad tone "okay, so when dream confessed I didn't actually liked him and it was just a dare and yes I know it's messed up but I didn't wanted to hurt his feelings, so when me and sapnap left, Karl then confessed and yes I did love Karl so I said yes and we were pretty drunk at that time so I accidentally posted it on twitter.." George says looking down with a guilty face "so what your telling me is it was a dare and you didn't meant to hurt his feelings?! I'm sorry for the language but are you high?!" Bad said raising his voice which shocked all of them. None of them heared bad speak like that so they all stayed quiet until they heard a bang on dreams bathroom which punz, bad and sapnap quickly ran towards to

They saw dream on the floor passed out with two container on his hand which george quickly read "i-its a happy pill.." George says noticing it's almost empty "quick rush him to the hospital!" George says carrying dream and opening the back seat on the car and laying him down there, bad on the drivers seat,George on the passenger seat and the rest on the back

Few hours later, the doctor came out "well your friend almost died due to overdose, he must taken more than 10 pills daily, please keep an eye out for your friend"

They all came to his room and saw he was still asleep and bad and sapnap sat on each

ide of dreams bed and they all began talking and discussing the situation

CLIFFHANGERRRR!! Don't worry the story will get good and you don't know maybe they'll be a 18+ 👀👀
Anyways I promise to update Tomorrow byee <3333

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