Chapter 1: The Sorting

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A/N RE-uploading chapters slowly from quotev. Hey just letting you all know from the get-go that this is an oc heavy story! And in later years there are also pretty heavy focuses on darker topics and struggles with mental health. This will follow our main character Elaine through years 1-7 so buckle up for a long ride! And I'd also classify it as a slow burn with some enemies to lovers vibes if you fuck with that. Prepare for a lot of fun ups and downs and character development (in both negative and positive ways 😏) just a heads up! I hope you enjoy, this is my first fanfic.

Also spoiler but there will eventually be a trans character bc fuck jk rowling :)

Most recent chapter edit: 11/19/2022


Elaine fidgeted with her hands nervously at the train platform, picking at dirt under her nails. So the day had finally come. She felt a mix of apprehension and excitement run through her as she stared at the brick wall that was for platform 9 ¾.

Her nerves were completely alight. This one day would determine their entire lives. She was actually nervous, incredibly so. She hadn't thought about it much when she was younger, just excited at the thought of attending Hogwarts and properly learning magic, rather than sneaking in the occasional illegal spell inside the house. However, now at the ripe age of eleven and about to be off to her first day at Hogwarts, she couldn't help but be nervous, and in turn, she couldn't help but have questions. Why the system was built the way it was? She was only eleven— which was still old of course— she wasn't a child! But should her future really be determined by who she is at the moment? They had to stay with their houses for seven years. Why couldn't they be allowed to change houses? Don't people change? What would happen if she was sorted incorrectly?

"Hey!" A familiar voice interrupted her thoughts. Elaine winced from a strong tug on her arm and subsequently glanced over to the perpetrator, her sister.

"Huh?" Elaine blinked at her in surprise, grimacing before smoothing out her facial features to form a more neutral expression. She tugged her hand out of Cassidy's grasp and back to her own side, letting it rest against the hem of her black button up shirt and the start of her black leggings. Her shirt had short sleeves and a collar. It would've looked completely preppy if it wasn't for the casual stance Elaine held and the top buttons being undone. It was still a stark contrast to Cassidy's casual red and white t-shirt and jean shorts however. "What is it, Cass?"

"The Weasleys just arrived! Did you not see?" Cassidy inquired, furrowing her eyebrows. Elaine shook her head, her dark brown hair swaying with it and brushing against her shoulders. She glanced around and finally took notice of them. "Nope. Didn't see a thing."

"Let's go talk to them! I HAVE to say goodbye to Ginny. I'm really gonna miss her..." Cassidy whined over the temporary loss of her childhood best friend. During the last summer, Cassidy excessively mulled over how she wouldn't be able to bear being apart from Ginny for a whole school year. The longest the two had ever been apart was a mere month because of a family trip years ago.

Excitedly, Cassidy began dragging Elaine over to the big family of redheads that they were more than well-acquainted with, their parents having been friends with Ron and Molly ever since their Hogwarts days. They practically were one big family with how often the Romanovs and Weasleys mixed and mingled. Elaine scrambled to get a tighter grip on their shared trunk of school supplies, making sure they didn't lose anything as Cassidy trudged on.

"I mean hey, at least she's joining next year, right?" Elaine supplied in an attempt to be helpful. Elaine wasn't particularly disappointed about not being able to see Ginny. Ginny was sweet and all, but they didn't really talk all that much since they didn't have many overlapping interests, unlike Cassidy and the redhead.

Ambition (Draco Malfoy x OC) Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu