Twin Siblings Love, A Witch's Protection [Male (Hansel) x Gretal x Witch]

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*3rd pov*

In a cabin in the woods lived a family. The father was a woodcutter and the mother.... is useless. They met and married each other after many years. They gave birth to twins, a boy and a Girl. They were (y/n) and Gretal.

(Y/n) and Gretal loved being with each other. They were and are inseperable. They played games with each other, took baths together when they were young, and other stuff.

One day poverty and famine hit the area where they were living. Instead of feeding the kids first, the mother and the father ate big, while the kids get next to nothing. That is until one day when they overheard their parents talking while they went to get more water for the house.

*(Y/n)'s pov*

I was taking back four buckets of water back home. The ones that I have is to drink. Gretal was behind me a few miles away. Says she was gonna use it for the bath... but the way she said it was.... I don't know how to explain it.

As I was walking back, I heard mom and dad talking. I but down the buckets and slowly went to the window, making sure I don't cause a y sound to be found out.

Mother:*muffled* We have to get rid of them. They do nothing but waste precious materials and food.

Father:*muffled* I know, but how.

I was looking through the window seeing and hearing what my parents were saying. Until...

Gretal: (Y/n)! I got more water. Maybe we can-

I grabbed Gretal quickly and covered her mouth with my hand, making Gretal blush a bit

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I grabbed Gretal quickly and covered her mouth with my hand, making Gretal blush a bit. I guess she thought I might do something to her.

Gretal: *mumbles* (y-y/n)...

(Y/n): *Whispers and blushes a bit* S-sorry. But be quiet for a minute, I need to hear something.

Gretal:*blush* If you're listening to them doing it, you could always ask me...

I saw Gretal's blush a bit more and poked her head softly.

(Y/n): *whispers* No I'm not listening to them doing it. It's something that could change our lives.

Gretal: *Whispers* Alright.

We both started to peek through the window, listening to our parents conversation.

Father:*smirks and muffled* We can sell them.

Mother: *muffled* To who?

Father: *muffled* To anyone who wants them for good money. Sell them to the highest buyer and make money.

Mother: *muffled * That is an excellent idea. But we have to fatten them up a bit. Nobody wants to buy damaged goods.

Father: *Muffled* They can have whatever food we have left. We'll be rich enough to buy enough food to live through this famine and poverty.

Teen Male reader x Female Varient OneshotWhere stories live. Discover now