UCW Road to Glory or Demise 2 #6

Start from the beginning

At the same time though, conflicted and all, Link still has that experience edge and once he caughts onto what Minoru is doing, he starts playing possum from time to time to trick him into making mistakes that allow moments where the action is back and forth between the two sides.

In the end, Link conmects the Linkdrop (Running Legdrop) and covers Minoru to get the clean victory albeit it's clear that the damage occured during the match to one of his legs (during the whole submission thing from Minoru) is evident.

After the match, we see Link offering Minoru a handshake which he accepts though this then leads to Minoru exiting and right away Elias coming from behind and starting to attack Link's bad leg with a chair before Minoru comes in for the save and Elias just stares at him and then exits.

Ana's demand:

*Following this, we see Ana backstage asking for a mic*

Ana: We've heard the point of view from both champion and challenger, now let's hear the point of view of the one person Lucy screwed throughout the entire reign, ME.
Everyone's focusing on the Lyoko Warriors' return and Lucy's plan and hard work but no one remembers that i was unfairly put out of winning the match by being tied to a ring post!
You have no idea how infuriating it is to just watch others fight without being able to do a thing.
I refuse to let those two just walk into Glory or Demise 2 easily to have their grudge match, i want another shot.
I demand a runback from the No Way Out's Women's Championship triple theeat match!. And this time there better not be any double teaming against me.

*The segment ends with Ana just exiting the scene after dropping the microphone*

UCW Tag Team Championship match:
Digimon (c) vs Greedy Bastards 2:

Honestly, the main story of this match was how the roles now were full reversed as for the first time in this 2 year history, it was clear that Digimon had their rivals on the backfoot and Mad Leomon was enjoying it even if Renamon was the one disrupting this trying to get the win herself which created arguments with Mad Leomon who wanted to stretch the feel for as long as possible and these occasional discussions were the only times where the challengers could fight back against the otherwise 75/25 leading champions.

Once they noticed this, Wario and Waluigi tried to play mind games with Mad Leomon to outrick him into cheating attempts from them and it worked wonders as all this did was not just piss him off which Wario could take head on but also cause more discussions between the champions as Renamon was telling ML to not fall for the tricks so much and inch by inch the challengers were able to get back in the match even if they couldn't push it further than the back and forth state.

In the end though, this would be all for naught as after Waluigi went for a Big Boot against Renamon that Mad Leomon took on accident, Renamon just reverserana'd him on his neck, taking him out of the equation and when it seemed like Wario was going to win it for he had the Wario Landing set up, Renamon escaped and locked into the Sleeper Hold and while at first it seemed like it would be useless, Renamon then transitioned into a coquina clutch variation and started making more force than usual which after a minute or so (and with Mad Leomon grabbing Waluigi by the leg so he didn't get to break the submission) Renamon finally FINALLY got one W in this whole mess herself and clean (via tap out) for her team.

This section of the Road To concluded with the crowd cheering as Mad Leomon was looking down on the Greedy Bastards and Renamon was just celebrating wildly for the first time ever of her success.

Intercontinental Championship match: Shield Knight (c) vs Daniel Dickens:

This whole situation was pretty clean considering how last time the two shared the ring following Daniel's previous defense, SK attacked his back.
It was speed vs technique and honestly, the back of Daniel hurted which created yet another of this karmic situations that put together this whole 4 way incident as now DANIEL was in problems against Shovel Knight due to back pain and Shovel Knight did all intents with the back in mind as he tried to make Daniel always land on it to keep his pretty good lead of 65/35 despite the size difference.

And yet, Daniel used his cunning to fire back at the opponent, how you may ask?. Simple, by merely going after his arms and legs so to stop him permanently and to his credit, it did work. It didn't do much more than just force the match back and forth, but by treating SK as a subject of sorts, he was able to put him apart piece by piece till the match was even as the speed was still an issue.

In the end, Daniel struck with a Diving DDT and covered Shovel Knight to get the clean victory.
After the match, we see Daniel exiting the ring as Kagerou enters it and starts beating SK down and while he initially stays out of it as Shovel Knight was asking for the receipt after giving Kagerou one due to the contender's match, once Edward Mason comes in and starts attacking Kagerou, THAT's when Daniel gets involved trying to run off Edward before the brawl turns into a 2 on 2 thing as the Road To comes to an end.

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