Neytiri and Tuk panicked as they swam around and were unsuccessful at finding a way out, as the water levels rised.

"There's no way out!" Tuk yelled.

Spider, Kiri and Nylah'a continued to run, Nylah'a slipped hitting her stomach on something. The ship began to sink.

"Nylah'a are you alright!" Kiri asked.

"Yeah I'm fine." Nylah'a groaned in pain.

"Stick together okay?" Spider said to the girls grabbing their hands as the ship sunk.

Nylah'a groaned.

Quaritch got Jake into a headlock with his legs, for that second Jake thought he was going to die and finally reunite with his son. The ship hit the ground of the ocean floor, which allowed Jake to remove his head from out between Quaritch's legs and then Jake wrapped his arms around Quaritch's neck, putting him in chokehold he was unable to get out of. Jake waited a moment squeezing hard as Quaritch struggled. Jake then dropped Quaritch and Quaritch became unconscious and sunk to the bottom of the ship.


Nylah'a, Spider and Kiri reached the surface of the water.

Nylah'a felt her stomach to notice she was bleeding from a wound she got when she tripped, she decided to cover it, to not stress out Kiri and Spider. She took a deep breath and tried to ignore it.

"Are you sure your okay?" Kiri asked.

"I'm okay." Nylah'a lied.


On the lower level, Neytiri began to pray to Eywa.

"Oh Great Mother, Oh Great Mother help us!" Neytiri yelled as the water rose.

Jake struggled to find his way out of the ship, he began to stress as he could feel himself losing consciousness.


Spider got out his flashlight and shined it at the ship. Lo'ak rode over from the distance on his ilu, calling to them.

"Bro!" Lo'ak yelled.

"Mom and Dad are down there in the ship!" Kiri said in distress.

"Grab on!" Lo'ak yelled.

Spider and Kiri grabbed onto Lo'ak's ilu.

"Nylah'a, are you okay?" Lo'ak asked.

"I'm fine, go save your family!" Nylah'a replied to Lo'ak.

"I'm good to go!" Spider said to Lo'ak.

"I'm okay." Nylah'a said to Lo'ak.

The three raced down back under the ship. Nylah'a called to her ilu and struggled getting on.


Jake lost consciousness and began to fade, letting his body sink down.

Kiri, Spider and Lo'ak went seperate ways, splitting up to try find Jake and Neytiri.

Lo'ak signalled to Spider to go seperate ways to find them.

Lo'ak raced down the ship, swimming off his ilu. Lo'ak found Jake, unconscious and dragged him up to a spot with an air pocket on the ship.

Spider who was still looking for Jake stumbled upon Quaritch unconscious on the floor. He began to swim away before turning around for a moment, not knowing what to do, he decided to help Quaritch to the surface.


At the air pocket~

Jake gasped for air.

"Dad!" Lo'ak yelled.

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