A son for a son

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Chapter 21 💌

Guards surrounded the ship with guns, on the look out for Jake.

Jake and Spider rode up to the ship.

"Where are they?" Jake asked Spider as they crept on the ship.

"Middle deck, where they launch the subs. There's like a pool in the centre." Spider explained. "They're at the fort railing."

Spider began to follow Jake before he was stopped.

"No no, stay here." Jake said to Spider pushing him back.

"Talk to me corporal." Quaritch said over the earpiece. "The ships going down and your girls with it. Your boy didn't have to die. Your brought that upon yourself."

Kiri turned to Tuk in confusion after hearing what Quaritch has just said.

"You thought you could keep your family safe, but you can't." Quaritch continued. "Only one way to keep 'em safe, so let's get this over with before you lose another kid."

As Jake snuck around the ship, ignoring Quaritch's messages, he placed a grenade in a hidden location, staying silent so he wasn't heard. He pulled the clip and slid down the edge of the ship.

"Get down!" Jake screamed to Spider.

The grenade exploded, causing a shock to everyone.

The guards came running out on the ship looking for Jake. Jake ran up infront for them stabbing one of the guards through the heart with a spear. Then again to another, he then stole one of the guards guns and began shooting at the others.

Neytiri flew down on her ikran, launching herself onto the ship and shooting her arrow at Z dog. She attacked the remaining guards and began to fight. Shooting one of her arrows straight threw one of the guards right into Z dog's face.

Neytiri and Jake regrouped and came together to fight the other guards. Quaritch was stressed as he couldn't receive a reply from any of his blue team.

As Neytiri fought of the guards, one stood behind her ready to shoot, but before getting a shot out, the guard received an arrow to the head. Neytiri turned around slowly to see the guards body drop to the ground, revealing Nylah'a standing behind him with Neteyam's bow and arrow, wearing his visor.

Neytiri smiled at her and they continued to fight.

Jake attacked the guards from the top of the ship whilst getting shot at by many. Quaritch spotted Neytiri and began to shoot at her but she got away. Nylah'a shot her arrows at the guard standing next to Lyle and ran off to take cover. Neytiri jumped in the air shooting the guards in the face and coming down smacking Lyle's gun right out of his hand and beating him to the ground.

Nylah'a stayed hidden, shooting her arrows from a far distance to keep the element of surprise. Neytiri shot her arrows at the guard whilst Jake fought with Lyle. Neytiri shot one of her arrows right at the guard next to Quaritch. When Quaritch saw Neytiri's arrow, instant fear came over his face.

"It's mom!" Tuk yelled.

"That's right, they're coming for you!" Kiri yelled at Quaritch.

Quaritch turned around and hissed at her. Tuk then hissed back at him.

Jake killed Lyle throwing him overboard into the ocean. Neytiri ran and jumped down killing three guards. When she got to the last guard, she grabbed him stabbing him hard in his chest and screaming. It was in that moment were the rage consumed her. Spider who was hiding around the corner, was anxious for his life after seeing the way Neytiri had lost it. She began screaming hysterically and Spider decided it was best to stay hidden.

My NeteyamDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora