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I am sitting in the garden looking at the moon thinking about how I was a child just yesterday playing around and now I am a grown up woman with responsibilties .

Mom I miss you . I still remember when I was 6 we played together and how perfect mother and wife you were . Taking care of dad no matter what but you too disappeared from my life I was so alone at that time but joonie oppa support both of us dad and me .

I will try to be a good sister , daughter , wife and a mother in this life like you mom .

I will try to be a good sister , daughter , wife and a mother in this life like you mom

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

I was enjoying my me time to refresh myself . But got distured by a voice calling me from behind . I turned around and saw king Park standing there all alone .

Jimin : Greetings princess kim .

YN : Good evening King Park . Come and join me .

Jimin : Sure .
[ They both sat on the bench facing each other ]

YN : I know you wanted to have some words with me . Sorry for denying it before .

Jimin : It's ok .

YN : I know you have so many questions and disappointments but let me explain it .

Jimin : I don't know what I am feeling but it hurts me here .
[ pointing toward his heart ]

YN : Chim listen to me . you believe me right ?
[ asked while holding his hands and looking in his teary eyes ]

Jimin : I do believe you but not myself Yn~ah .

YN : So It starts with some property issuses that I suggest oppa to trade but end up having a war . I don't know how but he captured my brothers and send his general Jung here to detain me and send me some conditions to agree on them. I tried everything to escape but nothing works in this tight security . You know I love my brothers more than myself so I gave in and agreed on them . He left my brothers . So I sacrifice myself for all this mess . It all starts with me and I want to finish it myself.

Jimin : Yn~ah you didn't sacrifice yourself ,you sacrificed us , our relationship .
[ Both of them are having tears in there eyes ]

YN : Now we can't do anything because I gave them my words and about war .I don't want that mess again . I am ready to marry him .

Jimin : Please don't say that .

YN : Chim I promise we can be best friends like before . you have to move on for me , for us please and promise me you will not harm him either .

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