1: Tour Exhaustion

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Iron man 2 was on the tv casting a blue glow over the darkened living room, but Harry's attention was solely focused on the person next to him, who was most definitely paying no attention to him, the familiar blue eyes were instead fixed on the screen. Louis' arm was around his shoulders, and Harry was curled up next to him, leaning into his side as Louis smoothed a thumb over his shoulder subconsciously.

 It was the first time he had felt truly relaxed in weeks because they had been on tour and breaks were irregular at best. With the calm environment and the warm body beside him the lack of sleep quickly caught up, as his shoulders lowered, and he felt his eyelids go heavy.

Harry briefly registered that his head fell onto Louis' chest before he dozed off, not fully asleep but not awake either. Louis nudged him gently, the ghost of a smile playing on his lips. "Love? why are you always falling asleep on me? Am I that boring?"

The half sleepy reply that was mumbled into his chest sounded something like "You make me feel safe. And you're warm." Louis felt like his heart was melting. Gods, his boyfriend was too adorable for his own good. The shorter of the two smiled petting Harry's hair as he paused the movie, turned the TV off and slid his other arm under Harry's knees to pick him up.

"We still need to get into pajamas, darling." Louis reminded him once he had carried his boyfriend up to their bedroom. "Hmmmm do we really? I'm quite comfortable."

"You'll wake up from overheating at like 3 am in that hoodie, and you know that" Harry grumbled in response to this – he knew Louis had a point. Ok, well then you have to put me down, you full size garden gnome." Chuckling, Louis gently lowered him onto the floor, his grin widening as he noticed the other boy was pouting. "More cuddles when we're both in pajamas, ok?" "Ok, fineeee."

10 minutes later and Harry is once again snuggling into Louis' chest, arms wrapped tightly around the other boy's waist. Louis' arms are looped around Harry's shoulders, and his chin is resting on his boyfriend's caramel hair. He plants a kiss on the top of his head and murmurs a sleepy "Goodnight, Haz. I love you." "I love you too, Lou. Goodnight." Both boys drift off to sleep, loving smiles etched on both their faces.

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