Chapter Six

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Three days have passed, Ichigo hasn't woken up from his slumber and his fever rises every hour which made Orihime very worried "What should I do now?"  She was cleaning him with warm water as she then remembered the two things she picked that day "Of course!! The card!".

She rushes to the room to pick up the card but couldn't get what was written on it "It can't be.. but I saw a name... Was it?.." as she tries to remember it her hand glowed up which freaked her out. She throws it on the table as the card changes revealing its name and number so she dialed the number waiting for a response.

"Yes Kurosaki san you're talking to Dr Urahara Kisuke the founder of Hollowfication... So how may I help you?" She gulped hard before she responded "Umm sorry this is Inoue Orihime, Kurosaki kun's neighbor and he needs medical attention". "I see... How long has it been now?" "Three days" he smiles "Perfect... Sorry but you have to wait for three more days or more since I'm not in town right now but at least be giving warm water on his body alright?" "Yes... Thank you so much. I'll send you the address".

She cuts the call as she heads back to the living room only for him to be missing "Oh no... Where could he be?" she stood still for a minute as she heard a loud growl behind her. She turns slowly as she sees a scary masked man coming from some halloween trying to eat her as she gives him a huge snack on his face out of fright.

He looks at her stunned and then smiles before he passed out falling on her shoulder. Still shocked over it she stays still to think the incident over as she takes him to a guest room and dumps him on the bed "O-okay... I'm think I'm going crazy" she laughs as he tries to move but this time she hits his head with a pan as he goes cold again but this time the mask broke revealing Ichigo's face but pale as she screams out of shock.

At the same time Ulquiorra felt a huge pain in his chest as he called his friend "Lucifero.. what's happening?" "Number 2 has finally gotten his vessel... Let's just hope he doesn't find his future self" "What do you mean by that?" He sits down still holding his chest as Lucifero comes out of him "You see.. in my previous life... I was like you... Both in appearance and character. That's why we think alike most times right?" "True.." he tries to see sense in his explanation as he noted "Mind you... The more striking of the resemblance... The stronger the bond".

Ulquiorra gave that sentence a thought as Aizen knocked on the door "Come in.." "The next set are ready sir" he bows as Ulquiorra reverts to the hollow form and walked to the lab.

Four days later
Orihime was still waiting for the so called doctor she called a week ago but then goes to the guest room to check up on him "I hope nothing goes wr-ong with him..." she was dazed to see him standing on the mirror looking at himself. She sees him shirtless admiring his demi-god's abbs as he caughts her staring at him.

"Ohio" he greets her with a smile while wearing his shirt "O-ohio... How are you feeling now?" "Right now... I'm starving" "I could guess" they laughed heading towards the living room while she goes to the kitchen to prepare breakfast he sits down on the couch trying to remember what happened as his eyes widened.

"I remembered... I threw up something and then passed out..." He looks at the room as he queried in his mind but he had to ask "Umm Inoue... How long was I out?" "Oh that.. a week..." "A week?!" he looks down at the table as she brought out some food "But four days ago you suddenly disappeared and then appeared to me with a mask tar shook my bones but I hit you so hard that you couldn't move".

"Wait what did you say?" he couldn't help but to slap himself hard "I said you had a mask on your face... You kind of scared me" "I'm sorry" he looks at the food as a thought ran through his mind "So she has been the taking care of me ever since?" he shook his head as he prayed over it "Thanks for the food" he then takes a bite but in the next minute he had already finished it "What the?!" they both screamed before they gazed at each other.

"You probably want more I presume?" "Y-Yeah.. sorry for the inconvenience" "Don't be silly" she takes the plate to get more as a voice spoke inside him "I like her" "What the hell?" he jumps up from the couch searching for the voice.

"Anything the matter?" "Oh no not at all" he gulps while trying to form the words "I-Inoue?" "Yes" "Thank you so much for everything... I'm now in your debt and I promise I'll pay you back" "If you say so..." she rolled her eyes and continued to serve the food as it spoke again "I want her mine right now' "Oh shut the hell up!' he spoke back while still searching the voice as he stood to think.

"You're leaving already?" He jerked as he turned back looking at her that seemed worried "What! Who me? (Pfft) nah thought I heard something".

"Well you did" he spoke again and this time she could hear it "Did you hear that?" they both froze in fright as she drops the plate in the table and then holds her fingers "Ku-kurosaki kun? What was that?" "I happened" the voice manifested himself through Ichigo's body, his skin had gotten pale with gold eyes and his the hair turned white as he looks at her with a huge grin.

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