Chapter 7

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Peter and Laura enjoyed a comfortable silent embrace after Peter apologised and explained himself for using and enhancing the inhibitor collars that robbed mutants of their powers.

"So, you forgive me?" He asked skeptically.

"Yea." She answered calmly.

Peter felt the relief wash over him, he had meant well when he asked her for help in the test and had good intentions for the technology, but he understood the distrust and hatred Laura had for it and even the remote possibility that it could be turned against him.

"Good. That's good." He said. "Say... why don't you get changed and we'll head into the city and get you some clothes that actually fit?" He suggested.

"Sure. Sounds good." Laura agreed after separating from him. Peter got up from the bed and left so she would be able to change in private.

"I'll be out here when your ready." He said as he left.

Laura was excited to go out with Peter, it may have just been some clothes shopping but maybe she could have some fun with it. She could go and try on some sexy clothing and her him to look and get his opinion.

Her mind swarmed with the hilarious teasing idea and smiled brighter when she thought of his reaction when she did so. Although reluctantly she changed out of Peters shirt and threw on her old clothes that she had strewn around the room when she went for her shower.

Peter didn't have to wait long as Laura's excitement at getting to spend some time with him drove her to get changed faster and she soon opened the door to leave with him.

"Ready?" Peter said looking at her.

"Yep." Was all she said whilst nodding her head in agreement.

So with that final agreement they both headed for the elevator and went to go into the city for a bit of clothes shopping, something that Peter wasn't overly excited by but he needed something for Laura to do and she was in need in clothes of he were to ever get his back.

Later in the city

Peter was now regretting his decision in accompanying Laura as she went clothes shopping, yea she needed to get some clothes for herself but maybe he didn't need to go with her for that.

Because now he's sat here, looking exceedingly nervous as he looks down to the ground and hoping that no one else in the store is staring at him and judging him for being here.

Laura had gotten herself a few pairs of clothes to wear while she stayed with Peter, but she insisted that there was something else she needed and he absolutely needed to be with her when she did.

However he wasn't expecting her to take him to get some 'particular' items of clothing. He briefly raised his head to look around and see if anyone was watching him, but all he could see was the different rows and sections of sexy clothes and lingerie.

A blush appeared on his face as he quickly darted his head down in embarrassment. It was strange that someone like him who had fought villains almost three times his size with some pretty serious powers and never blinked, but now he's reduced to a nervous wreck in the presence of some clothes.

"L-Laura... you almost done in there?" He asked her nervously.

"Almost." She said behind the door.

Peter counted the seconds hoping Laura would be finished soon and that they could leave, he wasn't sure why Laura was so adamant about getting something like that but it was his idea to get clothes and he didn't realise before it was too late where they were going.

Suddenly the door opened up and Peter jolted up in time to see Laura, but she wasn't dressed in any of her clothes, rather she was dressed in the lingerie that she had picked out.

She remained in the changing room so no one else could see her but Peter. "So? What do you think?" She asked as she turned around to show him the whole thing.

Peter was a stuttering mess, the blush that was on his face from the earlier embarrassment had spread leaving him completely red in the face at the semi naked Laura in front of him.

"I-it... l-looks g-good." He shakily said trying not to look at her directly.

"Really? Just good? Maybe if you got a better look." She asked him teasingly.

Peter reluctantly looked up to see her and he did his best to avoid ogling her. He would admit that Laura was very attractive and if he were far braver... or more foolish... he would probably tell her so, but knowing her and who her father was he really didn't want to die just yet.

"I-it looks great. Really nice on you." He said bashfully, averting his eyes again.

"Okay. If you say so." She said closing the door on him so she could change again. Laura was fighting back the blush that was threatening to appear on her own face, she didn't think she would be bold enough to show herself in such a way to Peter but she did get a bit of a kick seeing him so nervous.

However that also came with the fact that his nervousness at seeing her half naked made him look that much more cute.

She got changed back into some normal clothes and packed up the lingerie that she just had on, it looked really good on her and the fact that it made Peter act so nervously cemented her getting it for... later use.

They purchased and left the clothing store with all of Laura's clothes in hand, the trip back to Parker Industries was a quiet one as Peter didn't know how to talk to her after seeing her half naked.

When they returned Laura hung up all her clothes in the spare room whilst Peter sat at his chair and examined the rest of the paperwork he had left over.

'Huh... it's gonna be a long day, isn't it?' He said to himself exhaustedly.

Just as he was prepared to finish up on the final stacks of paperwork a sudden flash enters the room and stood in the middle of the office where three young women whom he recognises easily.

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