
Athena is sitting in her office, the one they got for her after she officially joined the team, busy working on the face of the new body they found this morning. It was a woman in her mid-thirties, that was all she could tell from the bone structure while she worked on the mold. Unlike her studio where music fills the space around her, at work she prefers nobody to hear her music which is why she had her air pods in, oblivious to the world around her and also not hearing when Nicky enters her office before wrapping his arms around her waist. She smiles leaning into his embrace leaving the sculpture for a moment, her hands wet from the clay as she places her hands on his. He smiled before kissing the side of her head.

"Morning gorgeous." he said before pulling away as she turned in her chair to face him, staring right into his eyes since her chair was set to its highest. On her own two feet, without heels, she was at least a few inches shorter than Nicky. How she got so lucky landing Las Vegas famous crime lab boy wonder, it still amazes her sometimes. Nick Stokes has been there for her since the moment she started her job here, hell even before that Nicky was always the flirt. Flirting with her every chance he could get, and he didn't even try to hide it from Gil Grissom, her Godfather. Everyone knew from that moment that Athena was Nicky's girl and that was final. No one dared to make a move on her and for a time it frustrated Athena but then she found it kind of charming that Nicky sworn off all men from her. The only guy he didn't scare off was Greg Sander, but he and Athena were inseparable since the first time they met. They were like best friends from there on out. Greg was like the brother she never had. He always backed her up and always chose her side over Nicky's even if they knew each other longer. Nicky didn't mind Greg knowing there will never be anything more between the two of them. And three months after Athena came into his life he asked her out on a date and they have been dating since then, and it has been three years already. Even if Athena loved Nicky with all her heart she still sometimes wonders if the party playboy won't come back out and somehow breaks her heart in a million pieces.

"I heard you are leaving for LA this weekend?" she said as he let out a sign moving a piece of her hair behind her ear that escaped her high ponytail.

"Who told you?"

"Does it matter? What matters is you didn't tell me yourself. I thought we didn't keep secrets from each other."

"We don't. I was going to tell you before I left."

"When you get on a plane and text me: Sorry babe for not telling you sooner but they need me for an assignment in LA. I will be gone for two weeks. See you when I get back. Love you."

"You knew that was a last-minute thing. There was nothing I could have done."

"You keep saying that." she mumbled before turning back in her seat ignoring Nicky. Why did they always have to argue or fight? This wasn't the first time. It happened on more occasions that Athena could count and to be fair she was getting sick of it all together. "This isn't how a relationship is supposed to go."

"You think I don't know that. We have been arguing more these couple of months than we have for three years." he said as she let out a sign. He spun her chair back around towards him, placing his hand on her cheek so she could look him in his eyes. "I know I've messed up in the past and I'm sorry. I'm sorry I didn't tell you about going back to LA, but I wanted it to be a surprise. I wanted to surprise you on Friday."

"With you leaving? That's not a surprise, Nicky. It pains me to see you leave all the time."

"Which is why I bought you a plane ticket also." he said as Athena froze, not expecting him to say that.

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