Chapter Twenty-Eight

Start from the beginning

But there was no natural light in this place, only the dimmed candles and lanterns flickering on the walls. So she had no idea what time it could even be. She could only time the number of days that had passed based on her meals... This was probably how prisoners went crazy down in these places. And she feared if she stayed here for too long, she would be the same.

Finally she heard footsteps. Jerking her head towards the stairs, she could see a shadow against the wall. Quickly, she retreated back to her bed. There was still a chance that it wasn't help, but someone Lamia sent. And she dared not to imagine what someone sent by her would attempt to do.

The footsteps came closer and closer. Evangeline felt her heart racing a mile a minute, holding the blanket tightly to her. She prayed to the Gods that it was an ally. Looking around her small cell, there wasn't much she could defend herself with. Maybe throw the bucket at them or try to hide him with the left overall bowl or tray. That was if she could reach anything in time.

She tensed up as a hooded figure walked in front of the bars. She didn't move from the bed, instead holding the blanket tighter. Her eyes flickered between the bucket, tray, and bowl. Her body tense, her heart raced, and her throat closed up. If this cloaked man wanted to hurt her, then she had to do her damnedest to make sure she got out of this alive.

Then the figure removed his hood. Her eyes widened, the tension from her body waning. "Lord Solomon...?"

He nodded, bringing up a hand to the clock and whispering a few words. It glowed for a few seconds before the door creaked open. Evangeline bit her bottom lip as he entered the cell, slowly approaching her bed. Though he paused when he saw her scoot back against the wall, as if afraid of him.

But he didn't appear surprised and gave a soft bow. "I apologize, Your Majesty. I have given you every reason not to trust me."

"... Why did you send me here?" she asked.

Solomon huffed. Then he approached again, coming up to stand beside her. He made no move to touch her, but he did extend out his hand. "I had a plan, Your Majesty. It's been a plan nearly two years in the making... And I apologize for putting you in danger, but I cannot stop now."

"Did... Did Marak know of this?"

"He has always been aware I am pretending to be a double agent," he explained. "But he never knew of the plan to send you directly to Lamia. If he did, he never would have allowed it. But I had to, Your Majesty. It was... the best plan I had."

She bit her bottom lip. She wanted to trust him. Solomon had been at Marak's side for so long, both out of loyalty and love. Never would she want to think it was all an act, that Solomon would turn on him... but doubt still lingered in her mind. "And what is your plan?"

"Are you still wearing your ring?"

The sudden question threw her off, but she nodded. Slowly, she pulled her hand out from the blanket. She didn't give him her hand, still keeping it close to her but showing the ring was still on her finger. Relief crossed his face before he looked at her again.

"Thank you for heeding my words."

"Why... did you want me to keep this?"

He gestured for her to give him her hand. She was still reluctant, but placed her hand in his. Then he brought up his other hand, his fingers gently brushing against the ring as he whispered softly against it. The ring glowed and warmed around her finger, and she wondered for a moment, if she had made a mistake.

Then, a thin red beam shot out from her ring. She gasped, yanking her hand back, but the light was still there. It was almost like a string, but glowing as bright as a ruby under the sun. It went through the wall and out of sight, which only left her more confused. She turned to Solomon for answers, but his eyes were on the light.

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