~4~/ℕ𝕠𝕥 𝕒 𝕞𝕠𝕟𝕤𝕥𝕖𝕣

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''I'd stay away from him, he's a freak'', ''That guy? No he's dangerous'',  ''Don't even try, he has no heart''

''He's a monster''..

That's what people tell you when you ask them about the mysterious millitant known around here as 'Last boss'.  A monster, a freak. That's all they see. I never agreed with any of the things that were said about the guy, to me he didn't look like a freak or a monster. I had tried to talk to him many times, but everytime he'd turn and walk away from me. 

At the beach there was a small library where I'd spent a lot of time. Not because I liked to read, but because no one else came there. It was quiet and peaceful, an escape from this cruel world. Today was no different, after I had some food for breakfast I make my way to the library. The noises of the party going on outside faded more and more as I got closer and closer. I opened the large door and walked inside, but there I was met with a very unexpected sight. In the middle of the room, a certain person wearing a sleevless hoodie and carrying a sword was casually leaning against one of the bookshelves. He looked my way as I closed the door behind me

''Uhm..Hi'' I greeted him and walked over

''Hello'' He said, I was surpised to hear him talk

''I didn't know you came here as well'' I said looking at the floor. Even tho I wasn't scared of him, he always made me a little nervous

''I come here sometimes, mostly at night'' He said and looked out the window

''It's nice isn't it'' I say as I sit down on the table in front of where he is standing, he looks back at me

''It's nicer now that you are here..'' He says in a quiet voice but loud enough for me to hear, my face grows surprised

''I always thought you didn't care for me in any way, you always avoid me'' I say, it was now my turn to look out the window. I hear him walk over and within seconds he's standing right in front of me

''Because I didn't understand you'' I heard him say, I look back up at him and wait for him to explain further

''Everyone here thinks I'm scary, the only people that talk to me are Niragi and Aguni. And then all of a sudden you kept coming up to me, the first time I thought it was some kind of joke. But then everytime I was near you wanted to talk to me, and I just couldn't understand why.'' He paused for a moment and swallowed before continuing

''I observe everything here, so I started watching you more and more. I listened to what people said about you. Everyone says you're always kind and helpfull, loved by all who meet you. So my question is, why would someone like you be interested in someone like me?'' he said, my lips part slightly as I was trying to find the words to say

''Because I don't believe what everyone says about you, I don't think you're a monster. I think you're unique, I like the way you are.'' I said looking him in the eyes letting him know I meant every word, his gaze grows soft and I could see his body relax

''Everytime you came up to me, I wanted to stay. You are always happy and smiling, even tho we face death almost everyday. And it made me happy to see you like that. I was afraid that after you got to know me, you'd get scared like everyone else. And you wouldn't smile around me anymore.'' He confessed

''..I don't think you could ever scare me'' I whispered softly, but he heard it. He chuckled

''I don't think I could ever get myself to give you a reason to be scared of me'' He said in the same quiet voice. I gave him a soft smile, my eyes glistening with happiness. The happiness he loved. 

He looked down at my lips with a longing look, lucky for him I wanted the same. We both leaned in closer to each others face, an inch away I close my eyes and I feel him close the gap. Kissing him felt like something straight out of a fairytale, his lips were surprisingly super soft. After a few seconds we pull apart slowly, I open my eyes to look into his

''I'm sorry for ignoring you all this time'' He whispers, I smile and pull him in a hug which he gladly accepts

''It's okay'' I say and close my eyes again, I can feel him rest his head on top of mine. Then it's silent, but not one of those awkward silences where you want it to end as soon as possible. This was a comfortable silence, just the both of us taking in what's happening. If this was a movie scene a soft romance song would be playing in the background as the camera spins in circles around us. In this moment I vowed to myself I would follow this man to the end of forever and beyond. I knew there were still many battles in this world, but with him by my side I was ready to face them all. 

𝔅𝔢𝔞𝔲𝔱𝔶 𝔞𝔫𝔡 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔅𝔢𝔞𝔰𝔱//last boss x Reader One shots//AiBWhere stories live. Discover now