"Hey!" Four Arms yelled as he jumped up and tried to grab the video game, but it was too high.

Four Arms, Talon, and Seaswift saw the video game flying away as they turned around to see someone grab it. It revealed Static and Magnetta levitating in front of Four Arms, Talon, and Seaswift with the video game case in Magnetta's hand while blocking the entrance.

"Sorry, guys, but this game's not for sale." Magnetta said as she used her Gyro-Telekinesis to put the game back on the shelf.

"If that's the case, let me give you a hand..." Four Arms said until he smirked.

"...or better yet, four." Four Arms said as he clapped all of his four hands together to unleash a powerful shockwave that pushed Static and Magnetta out of the store and caused them to fall to the ground.

The shockwave also shattered all the windows in the store and caused all the video games and the Static Saucer in front of Four Arms to fly out of the store and onto Static and Magnetta as the two Bang Baby heroes were inside the big pile of video games with the Static Saucer on top. Static and Magnetta stuck their heads out of the pile as Static shook his head.

"Man, this guy can blow more wind than a field of windmills." Static said as he put his hand on the side of his head.

"No kidding." Magnetta said as she and Static got out of the pile.

Once they got out of the pile and onto the ground with Static grabbing his Static Saucer and putting it away, they saw Four Arms, Talon, and Seaswift standing in front of them with Four Arms in the middle, Talon standing to his right, and Seaswift standing to his left.

"If you think that's impressive, let me do it again where it will literally take your breath away." Four Arms said as he was about to use his Thunder Clap again.

'Static, get ready to feel lots of gravity pushing on you.' Magnetta said telepathically.

'Got it.' Static said telepathically.

Magnetta altered the gravity around her and Static as they crouched down on their hands and knees before Four Arms used his Thunder Clap again. This time, the shockwave didn't blow Static and Magnetta off the ground as it broke all the windows in the mall and made a few stores collapse. Once Four Arms put his hands down he, Talon, and Seaswift were shocked that Static and Magnetta weren't blown away from the shockwave. Magnetta altered the gravity around her and Static back to normal as they stood up.

"How were you not blown away from my Thunder Clap?" Four Arms asked in shock.

"That's because I've increased the gravity around me and my cousin to make ourselves too heavy for your shockwave to blow us away." Magnetta explained.

"Oh yeah? Well, let's see you dodge this." Talon said as she opened her mouth and unleashed her sonic scream at Static and Magnetta.

However, Static took out his Static Saucer and hopped onto it as he and Magnetta flew up into the air and dodged the purple sonic scream.

"Get them!" Four Arms yelled as he pointed his finger at Static and Magnetta with Seaswift running toward Static while Talon flew toward Magnetta.

Talon flew up in the air and tried to fire a sonic scream at Magnetta. However, Magnetta held out her hands and formed a white magnetic force field around herself to protect her from the sonic scream. Once the sonic scream disappeared after hitting the magnetic force field, Magnetta put her hands down and undid the magnetic force field. Talon tried to unleash another sonic scream, but Magnetta flew away from the sonic scream and flew passed Talon as she turned around to face Magnetta.

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