Chapter 16

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Kiara P.o.v

Coming back home feels like going back to heaven... I was entirely frustrated with those hospital beds and food .. Oscar came to me... I don't know how he knows that jumping around on me is not going to be good for me .. he is so calm and just sitting near me...I remember those days when he came to my bed, jumping around and waking me up ..and look now ..he is sad...

It was the evening I was resting on my bed .. the college authorities keeping my health in mind allowed me medical leaves.. all I had to do was prepare for exams...


Suddenly I saw my mobile ringing...I look ..the number is unknown...I picked it up...

"Hello," I said

"His...I came to know about your accident are u now? "

"Well, I am getting better ..may I know to whom I am talking ?" I asked in confusion...

" Oh, I m sorry ..well, I am Anisha Mathur...from 1st year ..."

Why is she calling me ?! I thought...

"Umm, yes .. tell me, Anisha, how can I help you ?" I asked ..still confused

"Actually, we got a project and my partner Arnav .. we have to choose our mentor from 2nd year .. so I just want to ask ..will it be okay for u to be our mentor? Please say yes," she said

" Is your partner okay with me being a mentor? " I asked...

" Well, yes ..he agreed .."

"Okay then... I am okay to be your mentor ..but as you know, I am not well, so I can't come to college, and unfortunately, you guys have to come to my home," I said...

"Okay ..that will be okay .. we will come tomorrow after college in the evening ..will it be okay? " She asked...

"Yes .. sure ..just text me whenever you leave."

"Yes, sure ..bye, take care you tomorrow."

", " I said and hung up the phone...I couldn't believe that Arnav said yes to me to be his mentor...I think he moved on, and it doesn't matter to him now...



I can't keep calm. I so wanted to text and call her ..but I didn't because I just wanted her to be with her family and didn't want to hurt her...

"Anisha .. you ready to go? " I asked her...

"Well... I said we would visit her in the evening," she said...

"Oh ..okay see u in the evening," I said

"Wait, u r not coming to class? "

"No, I have some work .. bye, " I said and left... I hurt her ..and I know I am a reason somewhere ..and I will try my best to make it up to her...

I went to the floral shop...I know how much she loves blue orchids and lilies...I bought it for her... Then I bought her favorite chocolates ... I know this will make her happy...


" U got the correct address? " I asked Anisha while driving, and we couldn't find her home for the last half an hour...

"Wait, just lemme call," she said ..she dialed her number, "hello" I could hear her voice...She was talking on the loudspeaker .. " hey Kiara, it's Anisha here .. actually, we couldn't find your home...I think we are going in the wrong direction ..will you please help" .." oh sure, where are you right now " and then I take up the exact directions as Kiara said... I couldn't wait to see her .. to tell sorry to her...

Finally, we reached...I parked my car in front of a beautiful house .. on the side, there was a small garden, and on the other side was the parking place.. "finally, we did it, " Anisha said happily .. " hey ..for whom you got these flowers and chocolates?" She asked, looking at me .." oh, this is for Kiara ..she already went through too much I thought it would make her happy if we could do something," I said .."wow, you are right, now let's go."

Anisha rang the bell, and the door opened.


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Erica Jones : *

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