A Midsummer Night . . .

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"Marrok asked us to help you," said a nymph with golden hair and sky blue eyes.

"Who is Marrok and why did he ask you to help me?" Elizabeth asked feebly.

"He's a noble wolf. He tried to follow you in the wood to protect you," she replied. "He didn't mean to frighten you."

"A noble wolf trying to protect me?" Elizabeth thought out loud. Was she dreaming? She remembered it was Midsummer night; the time when, according to legend, the veil between the mortal world and other dimensions became thin, allowing all manner of creatures to pass through.

"It's not a Midsummer night dream," said the golden-haired nymph. "Fate brought you here to the kingdom of the woodland nymphs. Here, take this drink. It will restore your strength."

She drank the cool, herby liquid and wondered if she had succumbed to some sort of magic.

"Follow us," bade the nymph.

Elizabeth's legs felt shaky as she got up and started to follow them through a series of tunnels. "Where are you taking me?" she asked.

"We're going to the upper chamber so that Marrok can be present, as he cannot enter the lower levels of our kingdom," she replied.

Elizabeth recalled the noises she had heard in the wood and how terrified she had been. Apprehension plagued her. She had never come face to face with a wolf and could not comprehend why he would want to protect her.

They soon entered the upper chamber. The floor was a highly polished wood that reflected everything upon it. Flowers, ivy, and berries intricately weaved themselves along the vast dome-like room. Thousands of fireflies shone like diamonds across the ceiling. The nymphs of the woodland kingdom had gathered to see for themselves the human in their midst. Their wings fluttered delicately as they hovered just above the wooden floor. Sat upon a magnificently carved oak throne under a canopy of hawthorn, its white flowers in full bloom, was a nymph with jet black hair, wearing a long white silk gown adorned with silver thread.

"Spring, my sister, please bring the girl to me," requested the regal-looking nymph.

There was silence as Spring ushered Elizabeth towards the throne where her sister sat. Elizabeth thought she was being taken to see the wolf, but he was nowhere to be seen. Unsure of what to do in the presence of what seemed to be nymph royalty, she decided to follow human etiquette and bow before her.

"What is your name girl?" asked the regal nymph.

'Elizabeth, your highness.'

"Marrok has requested that we offer our protection to you. He said that he saw you enter the wood and that you were being followed by a nobleman and his men."

Elizabeth explained in a voice that at times began to tremble, as she recalled the events that had brought her here. That her father had betrothed her to forge an alliance with Rowan of Earlsbury.

"He is a cruel and unloving man. He was drunk after much feasting at our wedding and went to beat me as I couldn't bear for him to touch me. I managed to push him away and he fell, hitting his head. There was so much blood. I ran. I didn't think I'd be pursued into the woods."

As Elizabeth told her story, the wolf entered the upper chamber and sat beside the throne. He was bigger than she had imagined. His black fur was thick and glossy. His dark brown eyes looked intently at her.

"It is not for us to interfere in the ways of humans," said the regal nymph.

"Winter, your majesty, may I speak on the girl's behalf?" asked Marrok as he bowed his head. The wolf's voice was deep and rich. His tone was surprisingly warm and courteous. Not what Elizabeth was expecting, although she did not expect a wolf to talk at all. "I know of this Rowan. He is indeed a cruel man, hungry for power and riches. I believe what this girl says is true. Her mother once tended to me when I was on the brink of death. I never had a chance to repay her kindness. I, therefore, extend my protection to her child as I have and do so for your kingdom."

"Very well. I will grant the child the protection of the woodland, but now she is aware of its secrets, she must remain in this kingdom forever," Winter agreed.

Elizabeth let out a sigh of relief. She was safe, but her thoughts turned to that of her father and sister. "What of my family? Can I never see them again?" Tears began to fill her eyes.

"If you wish me to send you home, you must offer me a gift," retorted Winter.

Elizabeth had nothing to give. A pang of regret and guilt hit her as she thought of not seeing her family again, but she knew she could not go back. Resigned, she accepted Winter's offer of protection. "I gratefully accept your offer of hospitality your majesty," Elizabeth once again bowed before Winter.

"Then it is settled. Spring, my sister. Arrange living quarters for Elizabeth and for some suitable clothing to be made for her." With that, Winter rose from her throne and smiled at Elizabeth, before acknowledging Marrok and proceeding to leave the chamber. All the nymphs started to chatter excitedly. Marrok bowed his huge head towards Elizabeth and turned to leave.

"Thank you Marrok," Elizabeth said meekly. She did not know if he heard her words of thank, as he did not turn back.

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