Chapter 10//Liar, Liar, LIAR! L̷̰̥̺͖̰͈̀ͅI̸̤̿̐̆Ä̷̘́̍͑̄Ŕ̴̗̂̃͑̇̕͠!

Start from the beginning

"LIAR! He was just here!" He yelled out.

"First off, i'm dead so don't bother trying to hurt me cuz its going to go right through me, Second, I literally Just said I wasn't around here yet, SO i'm not sure why he would be here anyways Since No one even visits the woods except F" I explained floating away from them before any other questions could be asked but something caught me, like for the first actual time something caught me without going right through.

"Are you sure about that H? Tell us what you know about X Now" 2 ordered, what kind of pole even is this!?

"Let. Me. GO!" I yelled as the ground started to shake.

"2! LET THE SPIRIT GO!" They yelled, the two panicked as that "2" guy let go of me, the ground calmed down from shaking.

"You have proven yourself a spirit, very sorry for his actions now tell us where we can find X" 5 asked.

"You see those mountains over there, go straight ahead there and you'll find him, he always stays there in case of something" I instructed.

"Thank you again, Let go Everyone!" They yelled as others came out and followed along, though that "1" guy glared as he left.

"One more second with them and I would have gone into trouble with that pope thingy" I muttered to myself. Though as I left I wondered to myself if I even did that little Z-quake, or what even was that?

Meh, there's just some things I don't know until I discover what even happened.


-Y's POV-

We walked further into the woods, trying to find the rest of the group. We've already stumbled upon Infected J and some guy named '1', though as we're trying to find the rest M has been asking X some questions about whatever the situation we just went through.

"So let me get this straight, you were abandoned by some guy named '1' and now he's back for your ass?" M asked as X still threw himself on trees to get a clearance of anything on sight.

"Basically but it looks like he's not after me but Y too, so he must know Y's kind and shit" He explained.

"Why is he after me though?" I asked

"Not sure, He knows i'm useful because of my power in which is provided by my gem but i'm not sure about you since you dont have any powers nor a gem" He explained, I can agree on that, I dont even have any power from a gem like FMNOP or X at all.

"Where could the resssst be anywayssss?' S complained, M rolled his eyes.

"We're not even sure that's why we are looking for them, dumb shit" He said, though as we walked the ground started to rumble out of nowhere.

"What the-" U said before something came out of the ground.

"RUN!!" X yelled as we all ran off from whatever that thing was coming out of the ground. It really wasn't long until the ground was breaking, luckily it stopped before it could even pull one of us in.

"Everyone okay?" I asked but when I looked behind, no one was there, where did they even go?

I looked around the area not seeing anything, I was starting to get scared as I didnt see anyone around but nor did I even know what that thing was that was coming out of the ground, I ran further just in case it was one of those goo monsters X showed us before we were separated from the rest of the group.

"Why hello there Y~" someone called out. I looked behind and saw someone unfamiliar leaning themselves behind the tree truck.

 I looked behind and saw someone unfamiliar leaning themselves behind the tree truck

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