The Rain || Chapter 17

Start from the beginning

     He got in closing the umbrella and placing it on the floor in the backseat. Closing the door he handed me a button up shirt and some shorts that were clearly his.

"Put that on you're wetting my seat." He said as he placed his seatbelt on. Jackass. Fucking sexy jackass.

"You're the one who told me to get in." I said as I took my shirt off. The car started moving and he hit the breaks on purpose making me jerk forwards.

"Seriously?!" I shouted as I looked at him. He kept his gaze on the road with a smile playing at his lips. Jerk!

"Oops." He said as he started driving again and I wanted to kill him.

"I should fucking swerve the steering wheel and kill us both." I grumbled out putting his shirt on and buttoning it up. His shirt was huge on me making it look like a dress. I made sure he wasn't looking as I fully changed though I knew he wouldn't.

     I glanced around his car and it was spotless and smelt really good. I stiffened realizing it was too nice. The last time I was in here I didn't pay much attention. I didn't even want to breath in this car, I can't afford a mint imagine something like this. The ride back was quiet and slightly awkward making me wish I had taken my chances with Ryan on the bike.

     Handling an hour plus ride in this awkwardness doesn't seem possible. The cologne he wore lingered on his clothes along with his car making my senses tingle slightly. Moments later the car slid slightly when he hit the breaks making us have to pull over because it was too dangerous.

     Why was it so awkward?!

"Sorry but we'll have to wait the rain out." He said making me sink into the seat.

     Great! Just great!

     We sat in silence and I felt like I was suffocating in this car. My phone chimed and I saw it was Ryan telling me he was back on campus which was rather faster than I expected honestly. Especially with the heavy rain.

'Speed much?' I replied with a smile on my face. I should put a wrap to this thing between us so he doesn't get the wrong idea.

'Maybe a little, are you back yet?' He replied making me glance over to Mr.Grey who was on his phone. He looks so good. How can he be such an ass?

'No, we had to pull over since it was raining too hard to even see.'

"You sure that's why?' What the hell did he mean by that?

'What does that mean?'

'It's nothing; let me know when you're back.'

'Okay.' I sighed locking my phone staring out the window where the rain poured like no tomorrow.

"Looks like a storm is rolling in." He said which made me want to just walk at this point.

"For fuck sakes..." I sighed out.

"Language." I glanced at him and rolled my eyes. Why is he always so professional? I thought we were past that; guess not.

"So I'm stuck here with you for god knows how long?"

"I hate it as much as you do." He retorted before answering an incoming call he was getting.

     I highly doubt that.





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