1 - Eavesdropping

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Wind whips up the beachside cliffs, tossing dried leaves and sand up rock until it sprays in Nephtali's dark purple face. He tucks his nose to his broad chest and snorts grit from his flared nostrils. Today's the Gifting-the day when all Alicorns discover whether or not they'll be gifted and remain in the Imperial Herd... or not. Nephtali swats a fly from his belly with his fiery tail. Even though he stands as Obed's get, he's not guaranteed a high place in the Imperial Herd.

Before his birth, Nephtali's pedigree on his dam's side cursed his gift. He exists from light and shadow, and because of that, he may be reassigned down to one of the Color Herds.

Nephtali's ears flick back to catch the voice behind him.

"Brooding about becoming king again?"

Luna. Nephtali turns to face her as she trots up the hill behind him.

"Being the firstborn of Obed doesn't make me king," Nephtali says. "And I am not brooding."

"But your nose is wrinkled," Luna says.

Nephtali turns his ears back and glares at her. He's grown up with Luna, and no one knows him better than her. But he's kept his faulty breeding from everyone-including Luna. What if the Creator steps out from under Great Arbor and shames him with additional scorn on top of no gift?

"Neph, did you eat too much clover again?" Luna bumps his shoulder with her nose.

"Get off," Nephtali snaps at her.

"You don't have to be so-"

"Shhh, someone's coming." Nephtali springs up boulders and then jumps down between them. Luna prances after him right at the tip of his tail, just like they used to do a year ago as small foals. She wedges her side up against his so they can both peer between boulders. If their wings were fully developed, they could've jumped off the cliff and soared down to the beach. Nephtali's chest aches. He longs for the freedom of flight.

Warbling voices move close enough to be understood. Nephtali recognizes the voices of a mated couple from the Imperial Herd. Obed has invited them for grazing before. The mare, Swirl, has a chirpy, concerned voice.

"We haven't seen Her Darkness since his birth. You know what this means, Compass. She's coming back for him."

Nephtali turns his face so the harsh surface of rock presses against his forehead. Her Darkness. That's his mother. Nephtali knows that's only her title and not her real name. No one ever says her real name for fear of summoning her. Swirl and Compass are talking about Nephtali, and he shouldn't be here. Anxiety tightens his belly. Luna shouldn't be here, either. What if she learns the truth? Once one Alicorn knows, the others will soon find out, and then Nephtali will be driven from his own kind.

No element of the shadow can remain in Agalrae's Herds. That's the Creator's law. Obed begged the Creator to make an exception for Nephtali because he hasn't had the chance to choose his own destiny yet. The Creator, because His sense of justice is incredibly merciful, agreed to let Nephtali remain until the Gifting.

"Obed has the troops ready," Compass replies to Swirl. "He wants to protect the next generation at all costs."

"He might cost us all our lives, and for what? His only son?"

"You'd do the same for our get."

Swirl sighs so loudly that her nostrils flutter. Nephtali flinches when her wings snap open with a pop. "Come on. We're going to be late for the Gifting. Whatever the Creator chooses to give Nephtali will seal our fate in stone."

"Don't you trust His wisdom?" Compass' wings burst open, and his voice follows his mate's down the cliffs to the beaches. Nephtali knows he'll see them once they move inland to Great Arbor deep in the forest.

"Neph," Luna whispers. She doesn't move, and Nephtali's body is sweltering where she touches him. He wiggles out of the rocks, and his hurried hooves spark.

"What're they talking about?" Luna asks. "Neph?"

Before Luna gets out of the rocks, Nephtali charges down the cliffs, slipping on the rock until his hooves find a firm hold in grass. Not even the shade from the trees can cool the shame flaming through his body. The Gifting hasn't even started yet, and already his presence threatens his Herd. He could keep running, past Great Arbor, veer left, and gallop to the Frostlands. It'd be hard to survive there, but he wouldn't have to worry about anyone getting hurt while Her Darkness searched for him.

But what would Obed think? Nephtali forces his path to remain straight to Great Arbor. At least if the Creator bumps him down to a Color Herd and doesn't give him a gift, Obed will have reason to let him go. Until that point, Nephtali can't abandon his sire. They're all each other has left.

Nephtali slows to a walk, shakes his mane, and struts into the crowd gathering for the Gifting.


To see my 12 year old illustration of Nephtali, check out the top of this part.

Got an idea for what you think should happen next? I know where I'm going, but sometimes new ideas pull me in new directions. If you want to, tell me what you think! :)

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