(S:0) Chapter 4: Friendly intruder

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Flou opened her mouth to answer but nothing came out,
"That is fair, yeah. STILL, NO TELLING ANYONE!"
"Understood! understood! Dont worry about me. You and April are kinda...my only friends anyway, so you don't have to worry." Cero explained,
"I guess so, but still. It's super important to everyone that we keep them and this place hidden."
"Understood." Cero nodded.
"Alright, then I trust you Cero." Flou smiled,
"Wait just like that?" Donatello asked,
"Yes Donnie, I've known Cero for a while now, I trust him." Flou explained.

Cero smiled to Donatello,
"You won't have to uh..worry about me..promise.." Cero tried to reassure him, but Donatello looked away pouting a bit. Before getting up and walking off to his lab.
"So...he doesn't like me."
"He doesn't like anyone." Leo said sitting next to Cero, "Hey there, Leonardo, Leo, Leon, blue, whatever you like!" Leo winked at Cero,
"Ohh...your that brother," Cero said with a smile and a chuckle,
"Is that a good or bad thing?" Leo looked between Cero and Flou.
"I told Cero a bit about you guys and said you two would probably get along the best." Flou explained,
"Also that you were obnoxious." Cero added,
"HEY I AM NOT! I'm offended you would even say that!" Leo said dramatically before falling on his back dramatically, "My own sister in law! Hates me! It's simply too muc to bare! Bleh." He stuck his tongue out as if he died making Cero laugh loudly. Leo opened an eye and smiled,
"I see you like comedy!" He smiled brightly,
"Hm? O-oh I guess so, I just find you funny.." Cero smiled, still not completely used to them.

Flou smiled as she watched Cero and Leo talk for a while,
"Hey Flou?" Raph whispered to her,
"Hm what's up Raph?"
"I..uh..." he thought for a second,
"What's your friend's favorite pizza topping? I'm gonna go get some right now."
"I believe he really likes pizza toppings really. Get whatever!" Flou smiled, "But thank you Raph."
"Mhm!" He smiled before sneaking past everyone and out the lair.

Raphael looked down at his phone,
"Want pizza?" He typed.

10 minutes later he got a reply back.
"What kind?"


Lealen leaned against the roof gate they put up to prevent people from falling or jumping. They pulled out a lighter with the words "EW!" scribbled on it with an angry face sticking its tongue out.
Lealen smirked and lit their cigarette. They told the turtle guy to meet them at this roof far from their house and so they didn't walk far.

In the distance Lealen could see the figure of the large turtle approaching as they put the cigarette in their mouth,"So turtle boy, got the goods?" They asked

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In the distance Lealen could see the figure of the large turtle approaching as they put the cigarette in their mouth,
"So turtle boy, got the goods?" They asked. He just grinned before it faded away, as he swatted away the smoke,
"Smoking is bad for your health y'know..." he said, in an annoyingly sweet voice.

Lealen rolled their eyes and stuck a unlit cigarette in his mouth.

"You got the pizza or not?" Raphael spit out the cigarette disgusted. He made a gagging noise when it came out of his mouth.
"WHAT THE HELL!" He yelled, sticking his tongue out disgusted by the taste.
"Don't be a wuss, it wasn't even lit." Lealen grabbed one of the pizza boxes, setting it on the floor as they sat down. "Cool, thanks." Lealen said their eyes still half lidded,
"yeah..no problem." he coughed sitting down and sticking his tongue out disgusted still by the cigarette. Lealen rolled their eyes again.
"You really hate cigarettes." they stated,
"Well..yeah..my friend, well basically little sister- well it's kinda weird to say that cuase she's dating my little brother but she's like a sister just not in the weird way-"
"Okay! I get it, damn." Lealen interrupted,
"oh...right...w-well I was just saying she hates cigarettes cause of..." Raphael trailed off,
"Cause of what?" Lealen asked impatiently,
"Oh! Uhh her...dad! Her dad smoked and she really hates it for his health!" Raph answered nervously.
"Dumbass can't even lie right." Lealen thought,
"Okay." They said before slowly taking off their mask. Raph looked up to Lealen, his eyes widening.

"Their teeth..."
"woah.." Raph mumbled, Lealen looked over and growled,
"What? You got a fucking staring problem?" they asked aggressively.
"Ah! Sorry! No it's just- your teeth..." Raph trailed off,
"What about them?" Lealen snarled,
"The- they look cool!" He smiled. Slowly their facial expression went from annoyed to confused,
"...What?" they asked, a bit softer but still in that rough voice.
"Your teeth..they're like..." he tried to think of the word, "Can you...maybe open your mouth?" Raphael asked a bit nervously.
Lealen stared for a moment, sighed, rolled their eyes, then opened their mouth slightly and pulled the side of their mouth back to show their teeth in full.

Their teeth all the way even to the molars were sharp. All the front teeth were sharp, but slowly got duller towards the back. The molars looked like a duller canine tooth on any other person. While the rest looked like-
"A shark!" he said excitedly, "Your teeth are like a shark's teeth!" He smiled pointing.

Lealen closed their mouth and set their hand down,
"A shark? Really?"
"Yeah! Sharks are like- the bosses! Of the ocean!" He said proudly. Lealen blinked a few times,
"is this guy serious?" they thought, Lealen sighed and leaned their back against the chain fence on top of the roof.
"That's stupid." They said simply looking at the night sky, the stars were hard to see due to the pollution in New York. However, the moon shined brighter than ever in a copper color.
"No! It's not! They're really big and scary, and if you see one you run! Sharks are the strongest and scariest animals in the ocean!" He exclaimed happily. Lealen just shook their head,
"Nuh uh. Sharks aren't the strongest. Dolphins kill sharks all the time."
"WHAT?! No way!" Raphael said as if his entire world view was shattered.
"Yeah..but dolphins don't always have a good reason either." They said with a shrug. They glanced over to Raphael, he was pouting.
"What?" Lealen asked, obviously annoyed, they stood up and walked to the edge of the roof. "It won't change anything." they said eating their pizza. Lealen practically ripped the pizza apart, their teeth were as sharp as they looked.

Raphael was now facing their right side instead of their left...a deep scar down their lip could be seen. It was deeper than Flou's...Raphael shook his head trying not to think about it, it was probably rude to ask about it. So he stayed silent as they ate their pizza.
Lealen looked over the city from the rooftop, the buildings were much taller, even at night. Everything seemed so...quiet and empty. As if everyone had disappeared and left the city to rot. Lealen thought it was a little off as the wind blew lightly through the streets, making the bottles out front of one of the homes swing along. The moonlight made the colorful bottles reflect onto the ground. Dancing as the bottles moved as well. The sky darkened as the night grew deeper, the clouds turning grayish in color.
"Your teeth, I was curious...how did you...get them?" Raphael asked..he just hoped he wasn't hitting any buttons.
"Bone deformity of some sort." Lealen explained casually,
"Oh..." Raph looked down, chewing his pizza.

They sat for a while, eating in silence.

So...so you know Lou Jitsu?" Raph asked, Lealen raised an eyebrow,
"uh yeah m- I used to watch him as a kid." Lealen answered, Raph's face lit up,
"REALLY!? What was your favorite Lou Jitsu movie!?" He asked excited,
"uh..I don't remember..the one with the ladders-"
"With the Ladder factory!" Raphael excitedly exclaimed,
"Uh yeah...that one. Are you a fanboy or something?"
"We-well yeah! Raph and his brothers and his sister all watch those movies all the time! Copied the moves! We learned the lines and all the scenes!"
"So you and your...what turtle or cat siblings are hard core fans."
"Cat? What no! My brothers are turtles too,"
"What about your sister?" Lealen asked, "You mentioned her earlier, she's dating your brother. So what's she?" Raphael went silent.
Lealen grabbed their 4th slice and turned their attention to Raphael completely now,
"So, what is she? She a uh...whatever you are or a human?"
"A HUMAN HAHAHA!" He looked down quickly.

Then, he sniffed,
'OH NO. MY NERVOUS STINK!' Raph thought scooting away. Lealen looked confused,
"What? She like a bad person or something?"
"NO SHE'S NOT!" Raph quickly defended.
"So she is a human?" Lealen asked taking another bite,
"What!? no-well- she's..uh..." he was panicking and bad.
"It's a yes or no question turtle boy."
"No! yes! Maybe! uhh.." Lealen sighed,
"Fine, Fine, here's a better question WHY can't you tell me?"
"It's not that I don't want to we're friends!"
"Still never agreed to that."
"But she's uhh...it's complicated.." Raph tried to explain.
Lealen stared for a moment, Raph was practically shaking,
"Okay." Lealen shrugged, turning back to their pizza and eating it. Raph let out a sigh of relief. After a while they ate and Raph tried to talk more but once again Lealen gave their dry responses.
Soon, they said they needed to leave,
"I'll see you later Lealen!" Raphael waved, as Lealen stood up to leave.
"Later turtle boy." Lealen took the left over pizza and started to walk away.
"Hey! Same time next week?!" Raphael called in hope, Lealen stood thinking for a moment.
"Sure." They said simply walking to the fire escape, "Just make sure to bring plenty of pizza next time too." Lealen added with a smirk. Raphael smiled wide, excited to see their friend again.

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Four For Four (ROTTMNT x OC(S))Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon