A friend so dear, or so I thought

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A friend so dear or so I thought,
With whom I shared my heart and fought,
Who laughed with me and wiped my tears,
And calmed me down with soothing words.

We walked together hand in hand,
In the sunshine, on the golden sand,
Through the ups and downs of life,
Till the moment when I needed a knife.

My friend turned into a foe so quick,
In a blink, our bond became so sick,
All those moments of love and care,
Vanished into thin air, so unfair.

False friendship is a shallow grave,
That buries the trust and love we gave,
Leaving behind a trail of pain,
That makes us question, what we gained.

So, beware of those who wear a mask,
Of friendship that they don't seem to bask,
For they will leave you in the dark,
And break your heart, like a dog's bark.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2023 ⏰

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