chapter 4

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Royals P.O.V

I opened my eyes and met a pair of emerald green ones staring at me intensely as if trying to see inside my soul.

"Good morning," he said in a deep, low voice. I felt a wave of electricity run down my body.

"Good morning" I replied with a smile and asked."You good"

"Yes, I'm fine," he groaned while trying to adjust his position.


"Mhm," I hummed. He just rolled his eyes and continued doing what he was doing. I checked my phone for the time and saw it was four in the morning.

"Scoot over, my back is killing me," I said as I lay down. My thoughts ran wild trying to figure out who he was and how he got himself into trouble.

I lay on my side to see he was already looking at me. "Who are you really "I said without thinking. He looked at me surprised like I was supposed to know that. He cleared his throat.

I was taken aback when Alessandro Rosso uttered the next few words. "I am the son of the Italian Mafia" - his tone was ominous and his gaze unwavering. It was a moment that left me speechless, wondering what could come next.

"I'm not going to hurt you," he said, looking shocked at his words. "Please don't be scared."

The don of the Italian Mafia never said please nor ever look on a woman in any way, but Royal don't know that.

"Ok thanks but why were you in that alley"

"I was on a mission to find out who was interfering with my shipments. My second in command informed me that they had spotted the culprit, so I went alone to apprehend them and bring them back to the base. However, I was surrounded and attacked without my knowledge. They almost succeeded in killing me, if it weren't for you."

"So I want to express my gratitude and let you know that I'm forever indebted to you."Upon seeing his gratitude, I smiled and said, "No need to thank me."

"Okay," he said. Seeing his stress, I hugged him. He initially tensed up but then relaxed and hugged me back.


I woke up to the sound and smell of rain. It was peaceful and had a nice smell, that was what I thought till I felt someone holding my ass. I fully opened my eyes to see I was in a cuddling position with Alessandro holding me protectively. His head on my breasts.

'I'm starting to think that he likes sleeping there.

'I think so too'.my subconscious said.

I stayed there in the same position not wanting to wake him. He looks so peaceful while sleeping not looking all stressed out.

As I lay there looking at his face taking in his god-like features. I looked at his tattoos I never saw them Clearly at the club cause it was dark inside. I looked at the drawing and traced the lines with my nails in a soothing way carefully not to hurt or scrape him. The lines lead to a part of his back.

I felt small holes burning in my skin so I stopped to look at his face to see that he was looking at me. He smiled and closed his eyes ." Good morning " he said with his eyes closed

"Mor-" I said and he cut me off

"Marry me"

I was surprised by what he said. He said it with a serious face I looked for any sign of humor there wasn't any trace. I looked at him as if he was stupid or insane. "I'm not stupid or insane" How did he know that he just looked at my face, can he read minds? He looked at me again as if he knew what I was thinking.

"In my line of work I have to know what the other person is thinking to predict their movements," he said with a small smile, "That's so cool," I said.

"So Royal will marry me" I didn't know what to say to him.

"Why would you want to marry me"  I said."your different from all the women I've met. you didn't even know who I am, The women I've met only want me for my looks and money or to become Donna ."He said looking all sad.

"But you don't even know me" I tried to reason with him," and I don't know you. " Ok fine I get it". At this point, I just straight up gave up.

" But can't we at least get to know each other ?." "Hmmm, I guess so but first get your hands off my body before I finish killing you myself," I said in a stern voice. He quickly withdrew his hand. If you're wondering, his head is still on my breasts.

"Why is your head still on my breasts" I asked ."You only told me to remove my hand-. " "Remove it "I cut him off. He took his head off me and rested it on the pillow beside me.

"I'm hungry " He blurted out of know where. Can you believe the nerves of this man?

This is the end of this chapter.

- Authors note-

pls vote befour you skip and also thanks for reading.

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