The Magical Transformation of An Ice Princess Chapter 17

Start from the beginning

That evening, I was sitting with the King and Queen, and My wife Manera. We were seated around a fire, not talking, too exhausted from searching and from stress.

I felt the familiar throbbing in my temples. It came when member of royalty was in trouble, part of my psychic abilities I suppose. I had felt it when Raynald and Elandra were in love, too. I had been able to track them down and go to them because I could follow their feelings.

I had tried to do just that to find them, but their signals were too weak.

Now, though, there were pulsating!

“Your majesties…” I said slowly. “I can feel them…”

 They all looked up at me instantly. “Where are they?!” The King demanded.

“They are……in serious danger. One of them is dying….”

“Which one?” The Queen begged.

“I cannot tell, Majesty.”

“Go. Find them!” The King shouted. I knew he was stress, but there was no need to shout.

*~*~*~*Ryan’s POV*~*~*~*

It had been an hour. Ellie’s blood flow had slowed substantially, but not enough. She was dying, and we both knew it.

“Ryan,” she thought. “I have a question.”

“What’s up?”

“Well, since I’m kind of dying here, I want to know the truth….would you….would you really have married me? You know, if life had gone according to plan?”

I was silent for a moment. “Yes. You know I would. In an instant.”

I ran my thumb across the back of her hand. We were holding hands, not that either of us could feel it. We were almost out of oxygen, and hypothermia was setting in.

“Good.” She sighed. “That’s good….Ryan, can you sing to me? Please?”

“I don’t have breath for it love, but I can sing in your head, will that suffice?”

She nodded.

“I have just the song…

Peer over the edge, can you see me?

Rivulets run from your eyes,

Pain runs from your mouth like a waterfall,

And your lungs crystalize.

I’ll travel the subzero tundra,

I’ll break glaziers and frozen lakes,

That’s just the tip of the iceburg,

I’ll do whatever it takes, to change.

Farwell powdery paradise,

We’d rather skate on the thinnest ice,

Fingers failed us before they froze,

And frostbite bit down on all our toes.

Snowdrifts build up and enfold us,

As we wait in this winter storm,

So we snuggle close in the darkness,

And keep each other so warm.”

She sighed. “I love that song.”

“Me too. I thought I seemed appropriate, seeing as how we’re freezing to death together.”

I heard footsteps, and told her in thoughts “Someone’s coming! Just stay still and quiet.”

The door unlocked, and Baylan himself walked in.

“Well well, and how are we doing?” He grinned.

“How does it look, you sick bitch?” I growled, letting the glorious oxygen flood my lungs. I feel Ellie gasping for breath as well.

“And how is my darling bride?”

“She’s dying, no thanks to you!” I said through clenched teeth.

“That’s your own fault. If you had left us alone, she’d be alone, and on her honeymoon with me by now.” He grinned.

I tried not to kill him. Not that I could exactly move, I was kind of frozen to the wall I was leaned against. I had given my shirt to try and save Ellie, which left me shirtless, frozen to the wall, unable to move.

“I’d rather her be dead than to have a honeymoon with you.” I growled.

“Well, looks like you’re getting your wish!” He snapped.

I hung my head. He was right. I was losing her. My Ellie.

Something glinted out of the corner of my eye. The blood! Ellie’s blood had frozen into a sharp icicle, thick and strong. Now if I could only get to it….

“Any last words?” Baylan asked. I looked up and say him holding a knife.

“Wait, you’re going to kill us? Why not just let us die a slow and painful death?” I asked. And no, I’m not insane for wanting a slow death. I was just stalling.

I slowly started pulling my shoulders away from the wall. My skin was essentially glued to the ice, unable to move.

“Oh gods, I can’t believe I’m about to do this….” I thought.

“What??” Ellie asked.

“Just…don’t move.”

“Ryan, what are you going to do?”

“Trust me babe.” Then aloud, I said “Yeas Baylan, I have some last words.”

I leaned forward. It. Frakking. HURT.

I leaned forward, but a few layers of skin stayed glued to the ice. I screamed my head off, but I was free. I grabbed the icicle, ripping it from it’s frozen spot on the floor.

Baylan stared at me in disbelief.

“You…you just….your skin! My gods!”

“Now THIS,” I said, taking a slow step towards him. “THIS is what love looks like, Baylan. Take a good, long look, because this is all you’ll ever see of it.”

And with that, I raised the icicle, and stabbed it into his heart.

*~*~*~*Duckie’s POV*~*~*~*

I disappeared into the dark blue smoke. I swirled through the magic, trying to find them. At last, at long last, I found them. Rynald was exhuberant, giving me the emotional boost needed to pin point their location.

I appeared in the room, just as Rynald stabbed Baylan.

Baylan screamed for a moment, before falling to his knees, arms flailing.

“He always did have a flair for the dramatics.” I said.

Rynald looked up, shocked. “Duckie! Thank god!!”

He turned around to look at Elandra, who was lying on the floor, covered in blood.

“She’s dying. Help her…” he whispered.

“Help me lift her.” I said, walking over to them. He started to bend over, then screamed.

“What?? What is it?”

“My….my back!” I looked and gasped. “Your skin! Dear gods, Rynald! What happened?!” I nodded his head towards the wall beside Elandra. I shuddered.

“Very well, just be ready to grab her.” I lifted the princess, into my arms bridal style. Her body was limp, almost lifeless. Rynald grabbed her legs, and we both consumed the blue pebbles, disappearing into smoke just as the guards came rushing into the room.

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