Chapter One ~ The Collide

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      MoonXD was just sitting at her desk, minding her own business and shit. She then opened the control panels for all the AUs and stuff. ' 'Hm.. I'll just mess around I guess- I need something to happen anyway it's boring as fuck.' ' She did what she said, just mess around with other Universes. UC (Universal Creator) MoonXD teleported in. "AH- UC YOU SCARED ME!" "Sorry dear, just doing my weekly check up." "Ah, well, everything's been fine so far. Just playing with the control panels really-" "Well okay, be careful with the control panels dear. I shall take my leave now." With that UC MoonXD left. ' 'Oh my fucking god- I forgot she even has weekly checkups-' ' MoonXD sat back down on her chair, staring at the control panels.

• • •

      She was just again messing around, till she fell to her knees coughing and glitching a little ' 'Shitshitshitshitshitshit' ' She tried to close the panels, but before she could she passed out. Moon and XD appeared. "Ah, finally." XD said. "Wow, that actually worked XD, pretty surprising." "Why thank you brother! ^^" "Cmon, let's just do something-" Moon looked at the control panels "Want to?" "Oo! Yes!!" The two started to mess around, with no sense of anything that could happen. XD hit something, and they all started glitching "Uhh.. brother??" "..What did you HIT?!" "I DON'T KNOW!!" Moon was about to speak, but before they could everyone in the room got teleported.

• • •

      The three got teleported into the grey abyss. "Holy shit.." Moon said. MoonXD awoke and immediately sat up. "WHAT DID YOU GUYS DO?!" "..." Moon and XD teleported back into the mindset. "Son of a-" Fandoms got teleported next to MoonXD. "Oh- Uh- Hi Fandoms ^^'" ";0 0' Why are we here?" "Two idiots did something." "Ah, okay, but who? I only see us-" "And that's for another time ^^'" "Okay..-"

• • •

      (Female) Moon teleported in first, followed by G!Idit, Shadow, Warum, Oliver, and Lovemoon. "Where the hell-" "I-" Moon looked around and back at everyone else "Did someone do something?" "Don't look at me" Love said, "Nope." Shadow then replied, "Neither did I" Followed Oliver, "I didn't do anything as well Moonie.." Warum lastly said, G!Idit being silent and zoning out. Moon pat Warum and G!Idit and their head and continued looking around at the endless grey void "Hm.." "Now the real question is, where is everyone else?" Love asked "That's a really good question.. okay now I think about it it's actually concerning." Moon responded, "Yeah.. I was just with Chlor and Xayvia before I got teleported here.." Shadow followed with. "..."

• • •

      The other part of the group, Sunny, Eclipse, BM, Bloody, Chris, Levi, Pluto, Enz, Hanz, Anazel, Ny, and Kai appeared. "Where-" "I don't know, none of us do, but I just saw Love get teleported." BM said, cutting off Kai. "You didn't have to cut me off, but do you think Love should be here then?" Kai said, "Maybe, but she isn't with us.." BM replied, "Maybe she ran off—or is with another group?" Bloody said. "Maybe, maybe."

• • •

      Another part of the group got teleported, them being Xayvia, Chlorysa, Idit, EB, Hazel, and Emerald. "What the-?!" Chlor said, "Huh?" Idit then said, looking around, "OH-" "Where are we?" Hazel then said, "I don't know.." Chlorysa replied, "I was just with Ly and Xayvia, until Ly got teleported and then we did after." "Hm.. wait- so if Shadow got teleported where is he?" Idit said, looking around, "That's a good question- DAD!!" Xayvia yelled, there was no sight of Shadow, "Well- if we are here maybe there is another group that Shadow is with—hopefully." Emerald said, "Hopefully.." Chlor said, in a worried tone.

(DISCONTINUED, OLD, CRINGE) The Dimension Error [AU CROSSOVER]Where stories live. Discover now