Chapter I

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"You won't get away with this!" I spat in his face. How did I get into this mess? That was a question I often found myself asking myself. With the amount of trouble I got into, it was no wonder Gryffindor NEVER won the house cup at the end of the year.

"Hand it over," Malfoy stalked towards me. I had been cornered in a corner of an empty courier by three of the most feared Slytherins in the school. Malfoy, Nott, and Avery.

"I don't have it," I stuck my nose in the air. It was true, I did not have one.

He grabbed my face, squishing my cheeks, "Where is it, bitch!" He barked at me. I knew he could see the fear in my eyes, but I was not going to let him see it on my face.

I spat in his face, causing him to let go, I made a make for it sprinting for the exit but failed when Nott and Avery grabbed me. I kicked and slashed around, "LET ME GO!" I screamed hoping someone would hear, knowing no one would. They threw me back in the corner. Malfoy crossed his arms and sighed, "Look, Hassan, we don't want to hurt you, so just give it back and you can go."

"I already told you, Malfoy, I don't have it."

"Fine, you want to continue this lie, you have until Midnight to return it and if you don't you'll face the consequences. The three Slytherins strutted off, leaving me alone in the corner. I hurried back to the Gryffindor common room, I needed to make sure it was safe, that no one had taken it.

Entering through the Fat Lady portrait, I entered into a whole other world, the common room was a perfect circle, with red and gold curtains that ran to the floor, and the ceiling painted a mirror of Godric Gryffindor's life. The fire roared like a lion, students sat comfortably around it on the chairs and couch. In the corner was a small round table with books spread across it, a piece of parchment and a quill sat in front of a brunette girl with her nose stuck in the book she was reading.

I threw my bag onto the floor beside the empty chair across from her, she jumped and glanced up at me. "Delia," She mumbled a greeting.

"We need to hide it," I whispered while sitting down. Her book slowly lowered, her eyes were a caramel colour, her skin pale as ice, she was beautiful and reminded me of a veela, her hair had been neatly pulled back into a braid that rounded her shoulder.

"They cornered you again, didn't they?"

I nodded slightly, "They know I have it, they told me I have until midnight or else," I lowered my voice mocking Malfoy's tone. Raia gave the look, "You haven't even read it, so give it back."

I slapped the table slightly, drawing attention from other Gryffindors, I shot them a glare. Leaning forward I lowered my voice to a whisper, "We should read it, they are up to something, if they were they wouldn't keep cornering me in the corridor at seven-thirty every other night."

Raia pressed her lips into a thin line, "We should take it to Dumbledore, let him read it."

"If we take it to Dumbledore and it is wrong and not have what we think it is, do you know how that will look?" I sat back in my chair, pulling the letter from the inside of my school robes. The envelope was dark, with the crest of a triangle with a circle with a straight line going down the centre sealing it shut. What are you up to Riddle? What secret do you hold on the other side of this envelope?

"We should take it to Dumbledore and let him read it," Raia was determined that Dumbledore would understand, after all, he had suspected Riddle and his cunning mind to be up to something.

"Fine, we'll do it tomorrow," I got to my feet, stuffed it in my school bag and made my way up to the girl's dormitory and got ready for bed.

The dorm was cold as it was often, the moon shone through the window illuminating my bed. I would lay in bed every night trying to figure out how I was going to expose them, how I was going to get the truth of what was really happening, I didn't know much but what I did know was it wasn't good and dark magic was involved.

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