30. Ride

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"Aemond."  Visenya warned.

"Visenya I have to get her back!" Aemond declared.

"I miss her too Aemond but we cant just... she told us not to." Visenya reminded him.

"You have Baelon and Alyssa has her creatures. Aegon is king. Visenya I have mum. Shes my person. She has always been my person and Im losing it without her." Aemond declared as he let go of Vhagars ropes.

"I love mama too Aemond." Visenya assured.

"I know you do but Vis-"

"She asked us to stay put and that she was coming home." Visenya reminded him. "Write her a letter. Dont disobey her orders. She wont be happy if you run away."

"I wouldnt be running away I would be running to her." Aemond corrected.

"I love you Aemond but I think Im in charge while mother is gone." Visenya remarked.

"You are eleven. If anything Im in charge." Aemond corrected.

"I dont think thats right. Lets wait until mum gets back and have her decide." Visenya countered. "Im in charge lets go inside."

"I want her back. I could get her back," aemond begged.

"She would never leave Fury injured." Visenya countered and Aemond knew she was right.


"Its a great foggy day." Cregan remarked and snow flurried around them.

"Great and foggy usually dont go hand in hand." Davina corrected.

"Lets go for a ride."

"A ride?" Davina purred.

"A... on a..." cregan cleared his throat. "Horse."

"Horse." Davina agreed.

"You torment me." Cregan rasped.

"I just repeated you." Davina corrected.

"White or black?" Davina looked between the horses.

"What do you think?" Davina countered and cregan passed the reigns off on his black mare. "You think any Ravens came in from the capital?" She countered hesitating .

"Sara would get you immediately." Cregan assured. 

"Come on

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"Come on..." cregan begged. "Take a break from worrying, tomorrow we will back at Fury's tail but for now we wait while the parts dry."

"Yeah okay." Davina agreed mounting her horse. "What?" 

"You just seem different today." Cregan remarked. 

"I'm excited to go home." Davina offered.

"Berries are up ahead." Cregan remarked as they rode. "Winter berries and those are sour berries not rip yet," he nodded ahead pulling a cluster of sour berries from the branch and popping one into his mouth. She watched his face scrunch. "Yeah not ready." she was trying very hard not to fall for him but he was goofy and charming. She quirked an eyebrow at his choice in berry instead. "Stick with winterberries. They wont steer you wrong... what? You would pick differently? What would you choose?"

 "Carrot cake." Davina corrected. 

"I like vanilla." Cregan offered and Davina scoffed. "You like things to entertain you, your food included."

"And yours says...what? You lack imagination?" Davina mused. He laughs and circles to join her blocking her horse.

 "You're feisty today." Cregan remarked as he leapt from his horse picking a handful of winterberries, he held them up to her with a waggle of his eyebrows. 

"It's your chipper attitude," Davina countered, flatly. "It's getting on my nerves."

 "Doesn't like to see other people happy," he mused. "That probably also says something about you." She pushed his chest.

 "I want to try the sour berries." Davina countered. Cregan chuckled. "Is this an acceptable choice?" 

"Seems to match your mood," he muttered, still smiling. Davina popped a few in her mouth. 

"I like it sour, I like it spicy too." she offered. 

"I'm sure you do." Cregan agreed as he got back on. 

"Race you back." Davina offered. 

"GO!" Cregan yelled clicking his heels.

"Cheater." Davina whispered chasing after him. 


Davina was brushing out her hair when Cregan found he, he stared back at her from her doorway. She glanced back at him, that look of sexy mischief in her eyes. 

"When was the last time you were fucked Davina?" Cregan pondered bluntly and Davina choked on her tongue.

"It's been a while." Davina admitted. "But you know, the kingdoms don't run themselves." Cregan chuckled moving closer to her. "What do you want Cregan?"

"I want memorize every inch of your body with my mouth. I want to find every place you like to be touched, every way I can make you moan. I'll bend you over the counter so I can fuck you just the way you want it."

"Very specific... I like it." She agreed pulling him back into her chambers. He gripped her firm ass beneath the shirt and try to focus his energy on her body and not what's been done to her body. Not the lovers before him. He only got one chance to make this work or else she left and he was broken.

"When was the last time you were touched you?" Cregan rasped. She dropped her knees to his sides, straddling him, as she held his face in her hands. 

"Long ass time." she answered. He shot up to a sitting position, she clung to his chest, holding on to his head as she mashed her mouth against his. The moment her tongue seeks entry, he kissed her back, angrily, possessively, tangling his hand in her hair and yanking her hips against his. He bite her lip.

"Don't worry about the men that father my children." She purred as she rocked her cunt against his cock, thrusting her tongue and, goddammit, distracting him. Her fingernails dug into the back of his neck. "I'm not thinking about them." she assured. 

Wolves / Cregan Stark / Davina TargaryenМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя