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My highschool was hate filled
With all the subtlety of a gunshot.
As clear to us as the sky in June
And evident in every interaction
Homophobic rules
And transphobic policies
With queer literature age restricted
And teachers calling hand holding
"Inappropriate behaviour"
Because it was two girls
But turning a blind eye to the real issues
Like the sexual assaults
Happening in the very halls they called
The addictions to drugs
Being bought and sold on breaks
That teachers hid in their drawers
The bullying from other students
That we faced daily
That they chose to ignore when reported
The place where queer kids
Forced to mature far to quickly
Cut themselves in the bathrooms
Overdosed in lessons and cried "help"
But were silenced and neglected
And still they say
"We tried our best to help you"
While trying to hide us away
But now
The ones who made it out
The "lucky ones" who lived
Are older and stronger
We have found our voices
We will be silenced no longer
We will scream our truth until we die

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