Chapter 1

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Y/n's POV

I woke up in a sweat, I hate dreams. I looked to see the time I only had an hour before I needed to get up for school.

I decided to get up anyways because I couldn't go back to sleep. That dream keeps running in my head.

I walked downstairs to see Lucia sleeping on the Couch. I didn't bother her, I'm not that rude.

I walked into the kitchen, pour some (favorite cereal), and started eating.

After that, I decided to get a shower. I grabbed clean clothes and got in.

I put on a (favorite color) shirt and some jeans I put on a (favorite color) hoodie.

Lucia woke up 5 minutes ago, she was already in the shower.

There was a knock at the door, I opened it to find Lucia's sister Luz at the door, she was with another person.

Luz- Hey Y/n, can we come in?

Yeah you guys can, I said confused

Luz-oh, sorry this is my girlfriend Amity

GIRLFRIEND? I Yelled confused

Luz-Sorry I guess Lucia didn't tell you

Yeah, I'm gonna have to knock some sense into her when she's done. I said angerly

So anyways Luz said your name was Amity. Amity What exactly?

Amity- My name is Amity Blight

Ah, a blight you guys run that one workplace. Wait is your sister Amelia

Amity-Yeah my mom is the owner and my dad helps out with it. And yeah Amelia is my sister, you must be the girl who's dating her.

Yeah im dating her its been 2 years since i seen her i hope she doesn't hate me.. And your poor dad too. I told

Amity -Yeah it's kinda sad to see him go through so much with her. And i promise Amelia will be excited to see you

Lucia is taking a long time in the shower I let them in and sat on the couch with them.

Lucia finally got out of the shower and we were ready to go. I decided I will drive since I'm a good driver.

It took ten minutes to get to school it was my first day well for Lucia and Luz and Amity it wasn't.

I need to get my classes from the principal, but I don't know where. Amity and Luz decided to help me since Lucia went somewhere else.

After that, I got my classes, and since I was in 12th I don't have classes with Luz or Amity.

After a few minutes, I saw people staring at me I felt uneased. Oh, I know why I'm part of The best band called The Blood Moons.

Then I ran, reason fans ofc again. Lucia saw me running and pulled me into an empty classroom, classes don't start for another 20 minutes.

Lucia-You okay y/n?

Yeah, I'm okay, just tired from running. I said panting each word

I looked up to see other figures stating behind her. Two other females and two males behind her.

I see a girl with short navy blue hair and glasses covering her green eyes and she wears a yellow jacket.

Next to her is a male with blond hair and purple eyes and wearing a yellow hoodie and tanned skin with scars on his face.

Next to him is a dark-skin male who is wearing a beanie like Lucia. He has blue eyes.

And finally someone i wanted to see, i saw tears going down her face, She walked up to me with a fast pace.

Then she threw her arms around my neck. And that person was my lovely girlfriend Amelia blight.

Amelia-your here your actually here, i cant believe it.

She told me with tears going down her face, i hugged her tightly. She looked at me, she looked in my E/c eyes with her golden ones.

Everyone else looked at us in shock. I looked around to see their faces.

Lucia-Sorry Y/n I should of introduce them to you huh since you know Amelia.

I caught the hint of jealousy in her voice

Yeah I guess, I said confused

I snapped out of my own mind from staring into Amelia's eyes

Lucia- alright so, this is the gang, I told you about and-uh

I just stared at her waiting for her to finish.

Lucia-let me introduce, this is Wanda Park.

Wanda-what up

I just waved

Lucia-next to her is Ethan he's new to the group

Ethan -a pleasure to meet you

a pleasure to meet you, Ethan. I waved to him after saying that

Lucia- Next to him is our young friend Austin Porter.

Austin-hello it's nice to meet you umm...

Y/n my name is Y/n L/n, but people call me N/n(Nickname)

Austin-Can I call you N/n?

Of course, you can, I said with a smile

Austin- and wait how do you know Amelia?

She's my girlfriend silly i told them with a chuckle

They all look at us in shock again.

Ethan-Amelia, you never told us that you had a girlfriend.

Amelia- you never ask me if i did so i never said anything.

Everyone (but lucia)-Ohhhhh....... Sorry

It fine i was away for two years because of a stupid world tour and many more concerts after that. I told them.

Amelia- but we only talked on the weekends, that was our promise and we kept it.

She grabbed my right cheek, i grabbed her hand and kissed it.

I saw lucia's jealously go alittle bit higher them before. I guess Amelia never told her.

Amelia-So when did you get back?

About i week ago, i was so busy unpacking all of my stuff. I told her softly

The bell rang and everyone left, Amelia help me find my classes, we almost had the same classes, but 7th period we must separate.

*Time skip*

I walked into gym class with my girlfriend, and saw wanda also. We went into the girls locker room to get changed.

When i walked it i saw tons of girls staring at me. Made me feel unease.

I sat down with Amelia and wanda, wanda left to get changed and Amelia left to, so decided to change also.

When i took my shirt off i heard a girl fall i just ignored it and waited for the two.

After gym it was time to go home lucia left already, so i decided to walk home with Amelia, but her father called her to come home she gave me a quick peck and a hug and left.

Tomorrow will be a great day

*So people don't get confused *

Lucia is Luz's older sister

Wanda is Willow's older sister

Austin is Gus's older brother

And Ethan is Hunter's older brother

And of course, you already know Amelia is one of Amity's older sibling


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